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@FearfulHarmonyReborn You could always just get some chloroform and walk around at night drinking jerks blood! The city is filled with jerks! I know you can't drink blood from a dead person so the chloroform would be the only way. You have to be strong though. It takes a little longer to knock someone out with chloroform than Hollywood makes it look like.
@puck61 I don't want jailtime.
@FearfulHarmonyReborn Well, thanks for not killing people,. Take care of yourself.

It probably started in africa 200,000 years or so ago
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@MartinTheFirst 🤷‍♀️
indyjoe · 56-60, M
The reason so many different countries and cultures have similar mythologies is due to the progression of human migration around the planet over thousands of years.
@indyjoe What? No extra terrestrial or extra dimensional mumbo jumbo? No twisted quantum physics pseudo science. The 'M' doesn't stand for "magic"? Crap! I bet you think rainbows are primary colors caused by light refraction through water droplets too! Party pooper!
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@puck61 I have all that in my imagination...but I'm just keeping it real for this one😃
@indyjoe Yeah......I can live with that! ✌
RubySoo · 56-60, F
I think many of these creatures have a basis of truth. Creatures that once existed but were possibly a little elusive or misunderstood.
Elves and pixies, giants, vampires.... quite possibly the people all over the world looked very diffent to each other once upon a time....and in by mixing all together we now all look more uniform.
@RubySoo If we can get our act together and stick around for another couple of thousand years, we are all going to be kind of olive ........Personally I think there is a possibility that we may become much more primitive in the relatively near future. If the yellowstone caldera goes up, we may end up with a little bronze age mixed in with our modernism.
Storytelling. Language is universal... Just slightly different as you travel through different regions.
@lovelywarpedlemon I personally think that the most powerful people- the ones who could expand their borders and population and wealth through conquest and subjugation are the ones who created the mythological paradigm, but it gets kind of crazy when I consider vampires, and shape shifters, and sprites and such. I believe this all came about because of extraterrestrial involvement and extra-dimensional involvement. Primitive people trying to describe things beyond their comprehension . Scribe added the embellishment of ego and superego
@puck61 It's interesting to consider.
Ink changed the course of history and black powder was it's general.
Archetypes and genetic memories. Fairies and things around mushrooms are from psilocybin trips. Vampires and werewolves are the two types of serial killers-organized and disorganized. Dragons are dinosaurs; they're stuck in our brains because we evolved from the rodents that were scared of them.
childrens tales that give a warning to certain behaviors in life..

tiz a pity we dont hold morals and ethics to a high standard anymore..
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I remember in grammar school we had the pledge and a bible reading and prayer every morning. Children worked hard at home. We all had chores. I spent a great deal of time chopping firewood. In high school the guys had pickups parked in the lot with loaded gun racks full of loaded guns and the idea of school shooting never crossed anyone's mind. People didn't cut themselves ...things have changed so much.
@puck61 an nobodies asking Qs..
The new normal
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout The sad thing is; There is more information available at everyone's fingertips, and everyone couldn't care less....more than ever.......
Klesingo · 61-69, F
The worst reason for this would be that they really exist and they are shape-shifters who today only disguise themselves as normal people. Hopefully not, we would have lived in Middle-earth or Harry Potter Land all this time and thought that everything was right.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Could be because they are here (spirit world). The answers to questions we seek are within. Some rely on clergy, government etc. for their answers but they are not outside of us.
revenant · F
the flood is universal. The serpent is maligned in the west but a giver of knowledge and wisdom all over.
revenant · F
we came from aliens🙂
Keraunos · 36-40, M
The commonalities seem to have been much exaggerated as far as I can tell, but insofar as they're there all the same, I'd give most of the credit to what are awkwardly called "altered states of consciousness" nowadays.
dumpstermeow · 41-45, F
It's based on natural phenomena that wasn't understood at the time the legends were created. They explained it the best they could with what knowledge they had.
We are all fascinated by things that are unexplained...
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Well dragons started way back in asia with satan being the winged serpent. Elves and trolls and shit came from northern mythology way later. I think the vampires started somewhere in spain... and the sasquatch and those boring creatures were made up in america
@MartinTheFirst Yeah! The elusive Big Foot! That dude is sneaky!
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@puck61 😆

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