indyjoe · 56-60, M
There is absolutely nothing I'd change about her concerning who she is...she's a sweet woman, a wonderful person, and is a great wife/partner. The only thing I can think of is I'd give her a stronger libido to improve our sex life together...other than that I have no real complaints.
appassionata · 36-40, M
@indyjoe maybe she needs a little encouragement? usually low self esteem makes women shell up and become anxious about sex. try having a few drinks and asking her about her kinks or fantasies. you might be surprised what she finds sexy haha.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@appassionata That's good advice, but here's the problem with it in our case...It's not being in a shell due to low self esteem (she's a very confident woman), her libido is all but gone due to necessary medications she must take. She has talked to her doctors about it and they have already gone through a series of changes and adjustments and finally found ones that work for her And help her with her situation too. But at best it has brought her to where she is now. She wants sex once in a great while and she is able to orgasm again when we do. As for the Having a few drinks...1) she can't drink alcohol because of medication interaction, and 2) she cant drink alcohol because she had a problem with alcohol abuse when she was younger (she was borderline alcoholic). But I appreciate your reply and your advice, Thanks.🤠

Yes, I’d want him to be home more often.
appassionata · 36-40, M
@SW-User distance is difficult at times

@appassionata It sucks. Going on 5 years with the same job. I don’t say much because he loves to travel, but I miss him. Ugh. I sound like a whiny clingy wife. 🙄
appassionata · 36-40, M
@SW-User no you just sound a little lonely to me. its not an easy thing. i have a demanding career myself so i understand.

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@appassionata yes, he's wonderful
appassionata · 36-40, M
would you change something about yourself for him?

@appassionata absolutely. I'm growing my hair back long for him
NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
She could stand to be a little louder when walking around. She keeps sneaking up behind me n scaring me without meaning to.
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
Sounds suspicious to me@NeloAngelo
appassionata · 36-40, M
ankle bells. you need ankle bells.
you're welcome
you're welcome
NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
@appassionata i suggested bells but she just kept making loud meow noises out of spite 🤔
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Sell pretty much everything and move,.
appassionata · 36-40, M
@whowasthatmaskedman doesn't she want to?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
No.. The oversized house is full of "stuff". and I don't want winter@appassionata
appassionata · 36-40, M
@whowasthatmaskedman its as much of a trap sometimes as it was once a goal, isnt it.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
thats where people mess up
if you know something about them needs to be changed
then ya should have left them alone to start with
someone would be happy to have them as they are
and you could find someone you like as they are ,,,,
But NO ,,we all have to try and fix something until we Break them
And then toss them away ,,leaving someone else to get stuck with your broken toy
So now we have a society full of broken people
because some jerk who could not fix him or her self ,
tried to fix other people
They were not broken ,
Like a car ,not all of them will suit you
We should pick mates like we pick cars and clothes
then maybe we would be happier with the model we have
if you know something about them needs to be changed
then ya should have left them alone to start with
someone would be happy to have them as they are
and you could find someone you like as they are ,,,,
But NO ,,we all have to try and fix something until we Break them
And then toss them away ,,leaving someone else to get stuck with your broken toy
So now we have a society full of broken people
because some jerk who could not fix him or her self ,
tried to fix other people
They were not broken ,
Like a car ,not all of them will suit you
We should pick mates like we pick cars and clothes
then maybe we would be happier with the model we have
appassionata · 36-40, M
@rckt148 you have a very cynical outlook it seems. if its because of bad experiences i hope you can let them go.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@JovialPlutonian Glad to hear that ,for her as well as you
I hope your very happy
I hope one day I get a change to be again as well
I'll do alot better next time I can assure you of that .
I hope your very happy
I hope one day I get a change to be again as well
I'll do alot better next time I can assure you of that .
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@appassionata I am not cynical ,,I can admit I was the blame for most of my failures ,because I settled .
I had never been alone since I was around 14
I had someone in my bed every night ,
But when the new fades both grow tired of things they didn't take the time to see (you never really know someone ,you know what they want you to know ,but if they love you enough ,they let you in )
But I never waited that long ,she was pretty ,she was willing to sleep with me
lets move in together
But after a while she is complaining ,I was complaining ,throw in some friends with big mouths and attitudes and soon its a pain fest
I hate this about her ,she hates this about me ,things are said ya can't take back and soon your roommates who hate each other ,to scared to be alone to end it
but no now I am good ,I took 6 yrs to get to know me
and to get over the last one
2 of my ex's and I get along ,soon I am going to attempt to make it 3
Go see her and tell her I am sorry ,even though we both done things wrong
I loved them all ,I don't want any of them hating me forever
when we just picked the wrong models and tried to make them into something they were never meant to be ,and vice versa
Remember ,you are the one who made the post about changing someone
I just gave you some examples as to why I think its a mistake
Get to know them to start with ,and then if you go further
be happy with what you have
alot of men now days might kill for exactly what you have is all
I had never been alone since I was around 14
I had someone in my bed every night ,
But when the new fades both grow tired of things they didn't take the time to see (you never really know someone ,you know what they want you to know ,but if they love you enough ,they let you in )
But I never waited that long ,she was pretty ,she was willing to sleep with me
lets move in together
But after a while she is complaining ,I was complaining ,throw in some friends with big mouths and attitudes and soon its a pain fest
I hate this about her ,she hates this about me ,things are said ya can't take back and soon your roommates who hate each other ,to scared to be alone to end it
but no now I am good ,I took 6 yrs to get to know me
and to get over the last one
2 of my ex's and I get along ,soon I am going to attempt to make it 3
Go see her and tell her I am sorry ,even though we both done things wrong
I loved them all ,I don't want any of them hating me forever
when we just picked the wrong models and tried to make them into something they were never meant to be ,and vice versa
Remember ,you are the one who made the post about changing someone
I just gave you some examples as to why I think its a mistake
Get to know them to start with ,and then if you go further
be happy with what you have
alot of men now days might kill for exactly what you have is all

Make him visible instead of invisible
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
First I'd make her real... then I'd tie her up 👋😍