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Anyone havea any suggestions of locations to visit in Asia NOT Thailand

We are planning a trip to Asia and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions Phillipines, Malaysia or indonesia. thank you
Stephie · 22-25, F
Have a look at the Andaman islands, a group of 200 islands, in the Northeastern Indian Ocean. Not yet as crowded and polluted as South East Asia but you can still find a few pristine beaches.

This place will be just as popular as Bali in about 10 years from now because people are always seeking new places to go on holidays.

Otherwise, if you are into trekking, try the Kingdom of Mustang or Bhutan. It is quite remote and you need a special permit for parts of the country. Tourism is limited to a few thousand people a year but you have to be really fit and like wilderness.
@Stephie + 1 .
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
Tioman Island off the east coast of Malaysia ...or maybe Lovina on the north coast of Bali well away from the maddening crowds and near the old Dutch Capital of Singaraja.
If I could still do long haul flights, I’d do Vietnam, Singapore and finish up in Bali, Indonesia.

I’ve been to China and Japan which I highly recommend.
Gusman · 61-69, M
The east coast of Malaysia is beautiful.
With very affordable accommodation choices on lovely beaches.
Stay away from Kuala Lumpur. Over crowded and bustling.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Singapore(I'm a tiny bit biased) Malaysia and Indonesia, definitely Vietnam and Phillipines and Cambodia and Laos, If you want a different Thailand experience you might try Northern Thailand where it's more mountainous and it's night and day compared to Bangkok and Koh Samui etc

China is a wonderful destination from the mountains and lakes to the food and bars etc Guangzhou, Hebei, etc

India is just sensory overload. Go there at least once in your life the food is to die for and the country packs in a vast amount of different biomes from desert to snow capped peaks

South Korea and Japan are on the list but are pricier destinations compared to the others on this list( same like Singapore actually but most people can cover singapore in 3-4 days)
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Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I'm a huge fan of the Philippines. Fly into Cebu. Manila can be unsettling. Most everyone speaks English and they are quite hospitable.
tina14111 · 18-21, F
@Crazywaterspring is it expensive to rent an apartment for a month first to see if we like it? is manila safe and is it expensive? thank you
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@tina14111 Cebu is my go to place when visiting the Philippines. Manila is the most crowded city on the planet. Manila safe? Be smart in public. A buddy of mine has a place Bonifacio Green City (BGC). A furnished two bedroom apt in a very ritzy area of Manila goes for about US$ 550 a month. A nice place in Cebu would be maybe US$300 a month. Food in the Philippines is generally more expensive than in the US. I don't mean eating purely western food either. The people are extremely hospitable.
Anniedlr · 26-30, F
Hong Kong, China, Sri Lanka, Borneo to name just a few possibilities 🙂🐼🥢
RedGrizzly · 26-30, F
I'm looking at all these replies and thinking, "what kind of job do y'all do to be able to afford an international trip like that?!" Damn....told me I'm broke in several different ways. 😂
RedGrizzly · 26-30, F
@Stephie yeah, if they put resources towards visualization I truly believe it could be easier than they think to jog the memory that would give the impression you're feeling water, or cold, or something. After all, it's all electrical signals. With today's tech, it's doable like VR for your mind.

Quantum physics isn't something I know a whole lot about but maybe one day we could materialize somewhere else....but God help us when we do. There's a lot of things that could go awry with that!
Stephie · 22-25, F
@RedGrizzly I fully agree with you and the worst that can happen is the the military appropriates that technology for destruction rather than for the benefit of humanity.

AI was so promising until you realise that you cannot trust a single word, a single picture or a single visual you see on the internet or in any kind of media, including social media.
RedGrizzly · 26-30, F
@Stephie oh yeah, people now see AI as more of a threat. They should! Because AI operates within perimeters set by the programer, but if there are loop holes or the programer has bad intentions then AI can definitely run amok. Then you have anomalies where AI considers other choices and go off the probability of those choices...and if it doesn't directly violate its limits...most likely it will go with whatever it considers as the superior decision. That could be anything.
Bhutan or Nepal.
I've been there myself.
tina14111 · 18-21, F
can you give me some ideas about cost of living, not Bali too ruined , vietnam or japan please
@tina14111 Best bet is to research each destination using guidebooks like Frommer’s and Lonely Planet.
tina14111 · 18-21, F
@OlderSometimesWiser Thank you so much I will do that. 😄
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Ho chi Minh City AKA Saigon, Kyoto Japan, Seoul Korea, and many others just stay away from China I wasn't all that impressed
My daughter loved Malaysia and the Phillipines. I would suggest South Korea myself.
Ferric67 · M
I've been to Malaysia twice, Penang
How about Singapore
How about Thailand?
tina14111 · 18-21, F
@BohemianBabe over rated , how many street food huts can you pass, how many corrupt police offiers can you meet? it gets old after a while
Ferric67 · M
Angkor Wat
Bang5luts · M
China! Very beautiful country
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tina14111 · 18-21, F
@BlueGreenGrey yeah no thank you been there hated it

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