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does anyone feel scared about the future

or worried? we seem to live in worrying times, unpredictable...i live alone and i find it hard to be brave as i have anxiety disorders i live with......i avoid watching the news now....anyone else get worried at times?
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Wiseacre · F Best Comment
Yes I'm worried, but what can we do? We are all sitting ducks for what's going on. I continue to help ppl where I can...that's my purpose. Find a purpose!

seaglass · F
For moments in time certain information will concern me very deeply, but for the most part, I try to balance media input and sources, because the news contrives to frighten you.

If you want to feel better, listen to music and get outside somehow and look at greenery. There are lots of fractals, which our brains crave, and green is a very soothing color for your nervous system
jenni100 · 18-21, F
i read that people's fear of crime is not related to the level of crime in their area, but to the amount of news they watch. Also people who object to how things are and want to raise support for their party or cause have a vested interest in scaring people.
I try not to think about it because it's out of my hands. Whatever will be, will be. Or maybe NOT be.
Wiseacre · F
@MsSwan yeah, let go and let god..as the saying goes.
Punches · 46-50, F
They have been saying the same stuff for years. Yet here we are.

Then plus people flat out forget about all those things that were suppose to wipe out humanity.

Here are some of the "disasters" that people acted like the world was over -
Covid, 4IDS, WW3, Dec 21 2012, the rapture, 1984, Y2K, Meteor hitting the earth, Ke$ha dropping a new album, whatever...

Folks, while the thought of some horrible "Thing" wiping out the planet is not comforting, it is also not realistic.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
Nope im just taking things day by day trying to remain healthy so that i can work all the up until i decide to retire
Adrift · 61-69, F
No, I figure whats gonna happen will happen.

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