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I never thought that being honest when PM-ed that it would lead to being blocked, but thanks for sparing me.

I have had a person here PM me quite often with topics I care not to discuss or that I could not give an answer for why people do what they do and why they lie.

Well today I received a PM from this same person and began to read it; stopped, and sent this reply and I was blocked. Whatever I just want to say thanks for the blocking knowing I won't have to have those PMs any longer.

MY Reply to his PM:

WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Please, I do not want to see or read about this type of stuff.

His message to me I refused to read or reply to causing my blocking, mature right.
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LaLumieri · 51-55, F Best Comment
I'm sorry you Had to deal with someone being less than respectful. How absolutely immature. I think your message is very clear about who you are looking to interact with and what you want from here. I think you also rock yourself very well as a Unique individual. As I always say ,"to each your own" I hope the rest of this year brings you better conversations with better people and the best life possible. You handled yourself Very well.
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@LaLumieri Thank you very much, and I cannot think of a better way to thank you than gladly giving you Best Comment!

Thank you!💐
LaLumieri · 51-55, F
@WillaKissing Thank you. I mean it sincerely and I've never had best comment before at least I don't think so so it's an honor. Continue to be you. And continue to take no crap from anyone else LOL. You deserve to be respected.
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@LaLumieri Thank you very much! I am honored to have given you your first Best Comment! 🌷

ArtieKat · M
You've been very patient, in my opinion. I warn people after the first inappropriate PM - after the second I block. I've done that less than half a dozen times since SW began!
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@ArtieKat I was just trying to be nice from the start as you said but damn it if you want to talk or ask me something then I am fine with the conversation. But when there is a topic, I cannot and will not discuss because I find it disgusting to delve into then please respect my boundaries. Not a hard situation to understand, right.
ArtieKat · M
@WillaKissing You aren't asking too much!
MellyMel22 · F
Sounds like it was an excuse to reach out to you. Not a good one though! He blocked me after commenting g on my post offended by what he assumed I meant that I in no way did 🤣 I find it funny that he has the balls too talk offensively about someone else, yet get so so offended over something that wasn’t even bad if he was thinking the right thing.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
I’m kinda confused. What did you lose? That’s a friend you really don’t need. 👍🏻
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@Adogslife I do not know why you would be confused. I was only sharing another weird experience here with another member here that sent one to many worthless PM communications to me and how he reacted to me saying stop, that's all.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
@WillaKissing I’m not confused. It was just a figure of speech. 👍🏻
OverTheHill · 61-69, M
Good for you!
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@OverTheHill That was exactly my thought as well, good for me.

Thank you.
Seems it was all about them , and you were just a sounding board for them.
I mean, they didn't even ask why .

Gosh we are becoming coverstaionally dysfunctional.
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YoMomma ·
Oh i muted that poster first thing and dont even reply to weird inbox messages 😳
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@YoMomma He was beginning to annoy me, and I thank him for blocking me.
YoMomma ·
@WillaKissing ok 😅
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@YoMomma I just thought a little outing would not hurt since he has annoyed me so.
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WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@4meAndyou At first, I was okay with the questions posed to me about the military because of my 27-year career in the Army, because he was medically denied serving himself. So, I was being kind and empathetic. Then he switched to "witch" hunting those that faked serving and asking why they do that, and I got tired of those message's and told him, "Look having served, I cannot nor will not try and explain why people lied about serving, Stop". Then out of the Blue after a couple weeks or more silence I got his message I shared above and said what I said in reply to him.

Don't be sorry, just be happy like I am that I won't have to see or field those stupid "Witch" hunt questions any longer by him blocking me. Saved me a Block usage!
4meAndyou · F
@WillaKissing I block so many people that I can related to "saving a block usage". 😉
Cassieeeee · 31-35, F
The trash took itself out?
Also.. What is inspector question?🤔
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WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@Lilnonames I know right.

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