Some parents that don’t wanna deal with a special needs child are NOT bad people.
Ok probably going to get a lot of hate for this and anger but JUST HEAR ME OUT.
If a parent was having a child and let’s say they found out that the child will have disabilities or life long disability, I don’t blame them for aborting it. I know it sounds harsh and brutal but they don’t have to deal with it. I don’t mince my words. If they’re not cut out or handle raising a special needs child, why go through it? That’s their choice and I support that.
Now if they abandoned the child because of that, THAT is selfish and horrible.
Instead of judging those parents, listen to their point of view and have a better understanding instead of just throwing shade. People always cared about the child’s feels how horrible and heartbroken they are, parents have feelings too. They probably can’t handle it or just not ready for a child. I certainly do NOT want a disabled child that I would have to raise for the rest of my life and won’t be about to retire. I feel bad for those people. Also stop praising parents for keeping their mentality challenges adult child at their own. That annoys the shit outta me!
If a parent was having a child and let’s say they found out that the child will have disabilities or life long disability, I don’t blame them for aborting it. I know it sounds harsh and brutal but they don’t have to deal with it. I don’t mince my words. If they’re not cut out or handle raising a special needs child, why go through it? That’s their choice and I support that.
Now if they abandoned the child because of that, THAT is selfish and horrible.
Instead of judging those parents, listen to their point of view and have a better understanding instead of just throwing shade. People always cared about the child’s feels how horrible and heartbroken they are, parents have feelings too. They probably can’t handle it or just not ready for a child. I certainly do NOT want a disabled child that I would have to raise for the rest of my life and won’t be about to retire. I feel bad for those people. Also stop praising parents for keeping their mentality challenges adult child at their own. That annoys the shit outta me!