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Some parents that don’t wanna deal with a special needs child are NOT bad people.

Ok probably going to get a lot of hate for this and anger but JUST HEAR ME OUT.

If a parent was having a child and let’s say they found out that the child will have disabilities or life long disability, I don’t blame them for aborting it. I know it sounds harsh and brutal but they don’t have to deal with it. I don’t mince my words. If they’re not cut out or handle raising a special needs child, why go through it? That’s their choice and I support that.
Now if they abandoned the child because of that, THAT is selfish and horrible.
Instead of judging those parents, listen to their point of view and have a better understanding instead of just throwing shade. People always cared about the child’s feels how horrible and heartbroken they are, parents have feelings too. They probably can’t handle it or just not ready for a child. I certainly do NOT want a disabled child that I would have to raise for the rest of my life and won’t be about to retire. I feel bad for those people. Also stop praising parents for keeping their mentality challenges adult child at their own. That annoys the shit outta me!
As the parent of a mentally challenged adult I can agree with some of what you have said.


As I have stated to his siblings.... He is 28, going on 13, so of course he is going to live in my home as long as is humanly possible. I long ago gave up any hope of retiring in the normal sense of the word. My feeling is: If I do not protect my child from the opportunists, realities and dangers of this World that he is not capable of comprehending or understanding .... who will?

Would I like to be retired like my friends? .... Hell yeah.... but the reality is that we have to deal with the hand we are dealt in life because to do otherwise would be (as you say) "selfish and horrible". ....
PetiteJulie01 · 22-25, F
@Threepio Okay I see what you mean. I mean do what you have to do? Have you considered a group home?
Have you considered a group home?

I have.

And my mother was in several different ones as her health declined, so I am fairly familiar with how they run. I'm troubled (and concerned) that most have a broad mix of occupants with everything from health issues to dementia and some of the other patients in these homes are often "not very nice people" and are sometimes combative and prone to controlling and therefore bullying behavior. A case study of: the strongest rises to the top.....

And then there is the aspect of food. The closer you get to the end of the month the worse (and more sparce) the diet becomes.

I would rather keep him at home and let him make as many choices/decisions (within reason) on his own as possible as he ages.

One of his siblings has already agreed to take over his day-to-day needs when I pass.... so that in itself is somewhat reassuring.
smiler2012 · 56-60
this not far from an situation you ever too be in. a bit of a minefield of dilemma what is the right thing for the baby and you ,a let of dilemma to consider [juleskittykat]
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I agree. If the child will have a severely decreased quality of life, it is merciless to bring them into the world that way.
PetiteJulie01 · 22-25, F
@DearAmbellina2113 Oh okay. I thought some people were going to be mad at me for saying this but yeah. I felt like the parents have the right to chose what they want and their feelings are important too. People would hate me for saying this but someone had to say it! I mean why bring them into the world where people are going to be cruel and they won’t be able to function? Same with autistic people. How can they survive the world by themselves? They’re annoying and they don’t get social cues and they don’t read people at ALL. My autistic doesn’t doesn’t read people well. She always assumes everyone is nice and her friend and they’re NOT. She’s too naive and stupid to see that. No offense.
Maybe you and them aren’t ready for an child yet. YOU sign up for anything they turn out to be like when you have an child. If you don’t want an certain child , just don’t bother trying for an baby. I can understand if it’s going to die or has an really life threatening illness then that’s different

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