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itsok · 31-35, F
and I thought people liked being able to hear my breathing 😣
TheScubaDiver · 36-40, M
@itsok uh huh
Ferric67 · M
Here I was hoping to hear about hot yoga...
On a side note, I got this freaky email from one of the hot yoga studios that I belong to. They are running a special body paint class. You paint your body, and you do the yoga class. Sounds messy and sloppy.
On a side note, I got this freaky email from one of the hot yoga studios that I belong to. They are running a special body paint class. You paint your body, and you do the yoga class. Sounds messy and sloppy.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
It does cut back on the Darth Vader effect.