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The unpopular opinion game!

These are the rules. I’ll post unpopular opinion, and you respond by stating “agree” or “disagree” followed by no explanation. Then type your own unpopular opinion. Next respond to other people who comment their opinion on here with only “agree” or “disagree.”

Fireworks are bad for the environment, upset dogs and make life harder for veterans with PTSD. We shouldn’t have them.
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Ingwe · F
we should learn to value life ..every life
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@Ingwe a battle for scarce resources say a famine, is their is prioritization of us and them, or even of groups within groups instead of same level across the board? You know when the Japan nuclear reactor leaked a few years ago Japanese elders sacrificed their lives to fix it--in a way they didn't value their life as much as the lives of other Japanese.
I know you weren’t talking to me, but in my opinion, yes, to those who are more vulnerable than others. @robertsnj
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@Ingwe agree
GermanAf · 26-30, M

Seatbelts should be optional in city traffic. Use cases are scarce, and they restrict movement.
CoralieJuliet · 22-25, F
@GermanAf disagree
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@GermanAf disagree

Beauty is more important than personality.
Montanaman · M
@PepsiColaP disagree.

I think Coke is better than Pepsi 🤪😎🥰
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@PepsiColaP Maybe is mutually inclusive process instead of a dichotomy. I personality can impact looks and vice versa based upon personal perception. Hey wait a minute! are you TRYING to start existential debate on here?
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@PepsiColaP disagree
LAlexV · M

people on here have a hard time figuring things out
CoralieJuliet · 22-25, F
Agree @LAlexV
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@LAlexV agree
Montanaman · M
🙋 I'm already lost🤪 lolz 😅
robertsnj · 56-60, M
ok sure fun game--eating bacon, ham and pork is odd. In a slightly different culture pigs could have been pets in the same way dogs and cats are.

baby pig video on youtube
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GermanAf · 26-30, M
@robertsnj Disagree
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@CoralieJuliet I am going down them one at a time arguing---lightly fun game.
I have no statement
CoralieJuliet · 22-25, F
@Montanaman And what is your unpopular opinion?
Montanaman · M
Montanaman · M
🙋All Lives Matter!
CoralieJuliet · 22-25, F
Statement: agree
Movement: disagree
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Agree. We should be investing much more money into self driving cars so that we can make human driving undesirable and possibly illegal as soon as possible.
GermanAf · 26-30, M
@ViciDraco whooooaaaa big disagree
tenente · 100+, M
response: disagree because i'm a prick
unpopular opinion: people who claim they "don't have a filter" lack manners, respect and intelligence
Some people have brain chemical thing so disagree. But I get your your iver sll assessment. It’s just not always right. @tenente
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@tenente I dunno know--I know some pretty smart people without a filter. I know a lot of smart people who are incredibility blunt.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@tenente agree

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