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Seems like so many are depressed today. I am sorry. Hope everyone feels better soon.

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Many thoughtful people recognise that Western society no longer has a viable, functioning myth which would give a sense of place and ultimate meaning (and maybe not just western society) The breakdown of a central myth (that Christianity once provided) is like the shattering of a vessel containing a precious essence. Meaning is lost.

The secular conception of the human appears unable to genuinely offer a viable option or alternative, saturated as it is by positivism, materialism, reductionism, and atheism.

Ultimate meaninglessness:-

@CrazyMusicLover I looked up the film. Seems quite an intricate and intriguing plot!
Gloomy · F
@SW-User I disagree. Optimistic nihilism or existentialism for example are alternatives to myths and religion.

The shattering of a central myth is good, it is liberating and a necessity and outcome of the expansion of knowledge.

What causes alienation and depression in my opinion is the commodification of life and human relations, the downside of global connectivity being the awareness of human suffering around the globe, the rejection of peoples newly discovered selfes and identities, the overstimulation via technology, the looming threat of climate change, ....
@Gloomy I would see Optimistic Nihilism (for instance) as virtually nascent myths.

But, hey, we all have an opinion. I do hear you.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
The weather was quite bad here. Hot and muggy and I was terribly sleepy most of the day.. that doesn't add up when one needs to work. 😴
@CrazyMusicLover A cool bath 🛁 if you can’t get out for a swim can be very refreshing to the body and energizing 👍
Jungleman · M
there's a lot to be depressed about now, it takes an extra strength to think optimistically.
Raaii · 22-25, F
Thank you and you too feel better soon 🎑
turnedtostone · 56-60, F
@Raaii I feel fine I just have dealt with depression on and off
Thanks , life is fgggg depressing and people are mostly jackasses that’s why.
turnedtostone · 56-60, F
@SW-User Jackass's happen, unfortunately
@turnedtostone and they’re the ones I have to see the most

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