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I don't even know where to begin with this

I have a family member who relapsed into alcoholism

A family member I'm very close to and care about a lot.

Her and my grandma are basically the only 2 people I've got.

Grandma is old, so she could basically die at any point

But the other family member says that she thinks she's dying because she's bleeding when she goes to the bathroom but refuses to see a doctor.

We don't even know what it is, but she's guessing it's cancer

She says she already accepted death.

It's almost likes she's teasing me with this.

She doesn't want anyone else to know that she's potentially dying.

Sometimes I manage to get her to promise to see a doctor, but then she says that when she's diagnosed she doesn't want anyone to know.
She just wants to die seemingly mysterious death.

Told me that she lost all trust in my if I talk to my therapist about it when I'm struggling to cope with the idea.

At this point I don't know if she's just screwing with me or not.

But either way, it's really doing a number on me.

I dunno what to even do anymore

But yeah, there's been a lot of drama and bs over this...

As you can probably tell, if you've been following my story for a while...

But yeah, sorry to get soppy.

I just needed an outlet,

Maybe some advice on what the heck I should do
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
This is why you talk to your therapist. Your family's problems directly weigh on you and this is the literal purpose of therapy.

And to reference your previous post to answer this, no a therapist can't disclose your secrets, even if it's about someone dying and how they choose to go out. If you choose to disclose that you talked to your therapist about this to whoever doesn't want you to, that would be on you in that case

These are all grown adults at the end of the day who aren't breaking any laws and posing a risk to the greater public that would cause a therapist to do something
Your therapist is there to help you like its super selfish to stop you and guilt tf outa you to not tell them cuz theyre NOT mandatory reporters for this situation and she doesnt know what you say aneway so my advice is talk to your therapist cuz they have degrees in grief counseling
Fishy · 36-40, F
@TryingtoLava she tells me I'm there to talk about my problems not her problems 😔
@Fishy she is making her problems yours as well though. You should talk with your therapist about this. Not about her alcoholism itself indeed, but how it affects you.
Fishy · 36-40, F
Thanks for being there, guys...

You might not know it, but it kinda helps... A lot ...

Even if it's just on the internet

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