South Korean culture places a lot of importance in your appearance and reputation. If you step out of line, you pretty much get crucified by the public. I think with the rise of social media, there is a rise of cyberbullying, and it's even easier for your reputation to be ripped to shreds. This will affect not just the individual, but his or her family.
A good example of this is the South Korean rapper Tablo. A baseless rumour blew up into him going into hiding, into his family being harassed. It's pretty insane.
I can't say for sure that this is the reason why it's going up, but I won't be surprised if this is one of the factors. South Korea rates high in social media usage
A good example of this is the South Korean rapper Tablo. A baseless rumour blew up into him going into hiding, into his family being harassed. It's pretty insane.
I can't say for sure that this is the reason why it's going up, but I won't be surprised if this is one of the factors. South Korea rates high in social media usage
This message was deleted by its author.
Allelse · 36-40, M
See this is exactly the type of thing you could be writing down. Get it out. dont let it fester in there. :)
Allelse · 36-40, M
@rckt148: Even if I were to believe, half of the things you claim, it wouldn't make no difference. The pain is yours, you hold onto it because you were never taught how to let it go, its your identity now. You scoff at what you assume is a lesser generation for having 'anxiety attacks' and yet you believe that I should take more tact when talking to a Vietnam veteran? Just as there was no 'Great Age' nor has there ever been a 'Great' or 'Greater' generation of men and women. So I will make my peace with you and hopefully some day you can make peace with yourself. Let it go. All that mental gymnastics you believe keeps you alive, let it go. Yours was no greater or lesser than any that came before it, or will come after it. The generations of today are taught how to deal with their pain, yours was not. Its as simple as that. Its also as simple to say this; the pain is yours. You can choose to do something about it, or choose not to. But I'll make my peace with you, and hope someday you find peace in yourself. :)
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Allelse: young man I may be many things ,but one thing I am not is a liar ,
may your life be as fruitful as mine has been ,,,Peace were done
may your life be as fruitful as mine has been ,,,Peace were done
Matty18 · 22-25, M
Stressful workplace and school
Spoiledbrat · F
I could almost swear I read something about that in a college text book a few years ago and there is a thought that if you can't make your parents happy then you are worth little and or banned from the family even. tell me if I'm wrong.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Probably because they're not allowed to live in that great, communist paradise of North Korea!!!

it's like pandemic everywhere
Spoiledbrat · F
They have the highest suicide rate. I think it's a cultural thing.
bijouxbroussard · F
I honestly don't know enough about the country or culture to hazard a guess. But I'm sorry to hear it. 😞
That sucks. I wish the warriors fanbase was higher.