I am very passionate about astrology, though sometimes i need a balance, but nonetheless I love diving into astrology and finding intuitive ways to understand people. Now, for those who don't, i understand i can't sway you, and that's just the reality, and please don't try to tell me to prove why astrology is real, it takes too much time trying to explain something to someone who is not really open to it.

Not sure, but it's fun, and that's the reason I like it.
We are all made of stars. It kind of makes sense.

Not at all.
Khenpal1 · M
Only as a guiding option . Indian astrology will never work due to century old error during correction. Error accumulated over time makes as prediction tool useless.
Wayne91 · 31-35, M
I do. To a certain extent, it's true.
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NigelDoes · 56-60, M
No, I'm not a complete idiot.