bobydob · 56-60, F
sounds like you suffer from anxiety hun.
do some relaxation or yoga classes☺
do some relaxation or yoga classes☺
NobodyFrvr · 31-35, M
raise your understanding. 'what happens to us in life is not in control, but how we react to it is.' Also, do more physical activities to stop overthinking.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff

I'd recommend you read up on anxiety and ways to reduce it.
Peaceful · F
Ok, so you have learned this doesn't work. Maybe try to get out or your comfort zone.
DiamondInTheMud · 31-35, M
Life is like black jack. U win u lose. If u win all the time, you're probably cheating and if you lose all the time, I would say some is fucking with you.