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i'm a ballerina....leaping through posts

flipping pages...opening doors, closing them....reading, scrolling dooooooooooown to find.....what am i looking for? joy/dopamine/love....serotonin at night in the winter. do we get something from the moon? i swear the moon was full for 2 nights this time. 🌕🌕 no don't pinch me, add pinches not a teaspoon. eye ball it, don't eye ball me! now to paint the roses red, i mean paint the replies with red hearts.
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being · 36-40, F
I'm a dancer too, doing martial ballet, and like you and like air and water I'm floating and flowing but I've got enough earth left still in me to hold me into my bed and not wanting to leave it .... just for now and just for today...
Ferric67 · M
Hi Alice, I haven't seen you in a while

All is good with you?
Cheers tiny dancer
Wolffy · 56-60, M
It was full for two nights ask us wolfies drove us crazy
@Wolffy i know it was!
Wolffy · 56-60, M
@AliceinWonderland drove me to crazy places lol
bookerdana · M
Don't look at the posts too closely👀 leap carefully😀
@bookerdana jumps over the candle that is bookerdana....gets burned!
bookerdana · M
@AliceinWonderland You WERE warned🤨
Wolffy · 56-60, M
kathydodson715 · 36-40, F

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