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Something to think about...

It's curious that if a child says they have an imaginary friend, constantly and for several months or years, parents suggest taking them to a psychiatrist because something must be wrong with the child. But if an adult believes in God and says it was Him who helped them, that's considered perfectly normal...

Gladly, I'm an atheist, thank God.
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HobNoblin · 36-40, M
I'm an atheist too. I agree with Peterson though. Christianity is way better than cultural Marxism. The Bible leads people in the right direction more often than the wrong one.
h34rtSICK · F
I think you should do ur own research i support it hun,god is real and not imaginary and u cant change history so.
exchrist · 31-35
Seems strange my imaginaryfriend was shadow.
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He’s only imaginary to other ppl
oogirl · 13-15, F
God is real. Not imaginary. Most people understand that.
Probably to avoid being filed a discrimination lawsuit or in woke countries be criminally charged for being hAtEfUl
@RedBaron because in most countries that have that as a criminal offence, it basically comes down to destructive criticism of specific demographics, while destructive criticism of other demographics are largely ignored; also, the people that make and/or enforce such laws can't even objectively and specifically define what encompasses hatred
RedBaron · M
@uikakarotuevegeta But mangling the letters as you did doesn’t change anything.
@RedBaron it's to mock the politicians and activists that believe in such nonsense but can't objectively define and enforce it
novaguy2u · 70-79, M
Those adults should also believe in fairies and the Easter Bunny.
Lolz lol ay 😏

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