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To hell with that guy

I complain a lot, and who wants to read my complaints all the time? nobody. I know.
But seriously, some random guy just called me a fat **** as he was walking past me in the supermarket.
That isn't motivation, its fuel for more self abuse through overeating.
I hope he grows fatter and fatter and goes bald but just on top. And I hope his thing stops working.
I hope his car breaks down on the motorway, and I hope he gets fired at christmas.#
I hope he gets stuck in a lift.
I hope his football team loses.
I hope he gets hangnails on all his fingers.
I hope his takeaway arrives cold.
I’m sorry you weren’t treated with the simplest of basic human decency: people minding their own business.
At the same time, your list of what should happen to him is hilarious. 🤭 Cold takeaway…
Vengabus · 36-40
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
And while watching Castaway, his mind gets on that island and never comes back again.
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