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Don't like coming across as naive at work :(

Today I was handing over tasks to the next person at the end of my shift. When I was almost done talking, one of the two people smiled a bit, like a little smirk. Not a patronizing kind, but an "oh bless yer heart" kind of smirk. Something that would mean "you're too naive".
:( I hate it. I hate it. I hate coming across as naive. Maybe it's the way I talk? Or the way I say some things, or maybe my facial expression? I feel so dumb :(
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I think you may simply be imagining these sorts of things because you're so eager to find fault with yourself, to find some reason to run yourself down more and just to in general feel bad about yourself.

Stop it. Stop caring what anyone else thinks about you. They don't matter. All that matters is that you love yourself.
Sounds like you’re way too hard on yourself. If a friend shared this same scenario about themselves, would you tell them they were naive and dumb?

Doubtful. So please try to treat yourself like a friend. 🙂
Docdon23 · M
Don't take everything personally, and be kinder to yourself!! Be authentic and who you are and if they do not like it they have a problem, not you.
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
This is clearly something you're embarrassed about so can I ask you more about it in DM?

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