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What makes you happy these days?

A good meal. I forget to eat a lot these days because I've been so focused on work. So sitting down and eating something good makes my heart swell with joy ✨
SeaGlass · F
Bon appetit! 😊

I've been diggin' perfecting my oral hygiene routine. I got a badass new toothbrush and a new reel of floss. Been brushin', flossin' and rinsin' with sea salt water after every meal. My teeth are shinin' and gleamin' and my gums are glossy, pink, and adhering closely to my teeth 😌
My gardens with flowers and vegetables.
Spinning poetry.
Horseback riding.
Shopping at the farmer markets.
Watching good movies.
Helping people.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Lack of pain -- but I haven't been having much of that recently.
ffony · M
@ChipmunkErnie You stole my response, except for the "but ...." However there is something else I've not had much of recently - interpreting 'recently' in very generous terms (and anyway it would be a challenge I couldn't rise to.)
A good meal, going out for a walk. good company. Feel fulfilled with the work I do. Keeping my house clean, etc. Helping others and spoiling friends, and celebrating their accomplishments and happy life moments with them. The inner peace I feel just living my life on my terms, and having the freedom and room to be me.
A genuinely smiling teenager.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Her having a orgasm.
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MellyMel22 · F
That and seeing my kids happy.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Music, getting out and walking the dog.
Cooking the meals i enjoy,reading,guitar playing.
Good company,my own company,learning new things. Comedy,coming up with new ideas.
Beer,being annon smoker,taking a shower..etc
SilentSaturn · 26-30, M
Spending money
StarLily · 51-55, F
meJess · F
Sitting in the sunshine with a bacon sandwich from the van in the forest. The owner is the most content person I know, and he spoils my dog with bacon leftovers
Wiseacre · F
Same as always: nature, music, good conversations, restful sleep.
attyhenrytuason · 61-69, M
Songs from the 70s and the 80s. They make me feel young!🤔
The thought of not having to witness family drama soon
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
i used to enjoy corned beef and rice.
Naps,iced coffee,nature,film
Primnproper · 56-60, F
My own inner peace.
decentsoul · 26-30, F
Workerbee · 31-35, M
I hate to say it but the only thing lately is eating 😂🤷🏾‍♂️
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