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Round 7 was yesterday and my thoughts that have little to do with it

I already feel sick. Waiting for the Ondansetron kick in so I can run my errands. I need to refill gallons of water before I’m too weak to.
I need to find a different Dollar Tree to get my favorite cleaner and other supplies. The one closest to home is taking forever to restock. (Always understaffed)
I also need to find things to make a bee watering station in my garden. Ceramic bowls and something for them to sit on.

While I’m out of work, but when I’m feeling well enough, I think I’ll start learning some tap dancing off of YouTube. 😂 It’s been my favorite to see for years, and it only recently occurred to me to try it myself. I’ll never be that good at it, but I can be good enough to enjoy it.
I’m supposed to be studying Tagalog, but I found High Valyrian on Duolingo, and am distracted by that. Lol

I’m struggling to finish reading “The Accidental Tourist.” I tried reading more during treatment yesterday, and realized why it’s hard for me despite how talented the author is. It’s a lot about overcoming grief. I grieved my dad after he died. My younger sister and I both recovered quickly even though my dad and I were very close. I don’t mourn him anymore. That always seems to surprise people.
My mom is grieving still, which makes sense. 40 years together; that doesn’t just disappear with the person. She’s depressed and it took a long time for her to stop crying all the time or say that she thought she heard him or saw him leave the room from the corner of her eye. She wouldn’t even go into their room for over a year.

This book reminds me of her, and it’s hard to read. The main character is going through it bad, and his mindset gets explained; but he avoids thinking of his son, the one who died. So instead of his focus being that, it’s how obsessive he is over efficiently bringing in groceries or how his plan to wear sweats every day to reduce laundry days backfired. The reader goes mad, knowing this isn’t about the damn laundry and groceries! This is why your wife left in chapter one! 😠😔😢 It’s a good book. It’s hard to read. And my mom is difficult to comfort, but I try to understand even though she pushes everyone away too. (I can’t die before she does. She’d never recover.)
4meAndyou · F
And YOU are avoiding grief by concentrating on water, and bathroom cleaner, and the bees!
@4meAndyou But the bees need me! 😫
Musicman · 61-69, M
God bless you 🙏🙏🙏 You are in my prayers daily 🙏🙏🙏
@Musicman God bless you too. Thank you for your prayers. 🥰
Lilnonames · F
That's cause dollar trees warehouse was destroyed by a tornado
@Lilnonames Oh no. 😔
The one I go to has boxes all over the store waiting to be unpacked though.

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