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CloudAngel80 · 41-45, F

G0ddess · F Best Comment
When we try to search for someone, he’s never the one; I think you’d rather focus on self development and pray for God’s discernment and he’ll send a godly man to you
Yeah, that one was really toxic. You deserve someone who will treat you as good as you treat them
Elisbch · M
That's terrible.. 😔
But there's no assurances a godly man will be any better. More wars have been started by so called godly men. There's one going on right now. Both sides think they are godly to their own gods... and babies and innocent people are killed and have no homes to go back to. Doing that kind of thing to another is not godly. It's only peopley. People's egos and entitlement get people thinking they're godly people and they fuck up the whole world. If there was something godly going on about this it wouldn't be wars and what's going on now.
Aside from that, I think you'll eventually meet some young man that may not be godly and you may not really want him to be really. Having his head in based on reality and peacefulness and looking toward the future for both you and him planning a life is more important and being godly. (imhe).
CloudAngel80 · 41-45, F
@Elisbch i dont really look at the war of this life, thats not the impotant part, wages of war in my head against my heart..tgats where it really hurts! I know this world is temporary and life is short..but i desire a companion..not jyst for marriage, but for my best friend..and yes i do however agree with your points of view..so much i desire is to give and recieve love, not like people give it, but like its meant to be. My grandparents were high school sweethearts, married 83 years! They also were baptist ministers. The year grandpa passed away, two doves flew over his headstone. Granny died 2 years later, 2 butterflies flew over her headstone. Granny and grandpa alway said true love waits, and even in death everything has a soul mate...i want that kind of love. The kind where the man opens the door, pulls out the seat, stands with a smile when i walk into a room..a man who is 100 percent ready to defend my honor, and hold me closely to his chest. A man tgat gives me my favorite flowers..[yellow roses]I deserve love, affection, attention, and gifts..but where oh where does this fairy tale become a reality? I want a man like grandpa, loved to read his bible every mornig and pray with grandma every night. Attend church and reach people he loved..I want a man of integrity, values, honor..a man who loves me.. a man whom i can shower in love too..may God please bring me this gift i so desire and long for..his best for me?
Elisbch · M
@CloudAngel80 .. thank you for answering. I PM'ed you, I hope you'll read it.
wonkywinky · 51-55, M
You have to ask"what IS a "relationship""?
Two people that in most cases are strangers that somehow decide like via witchcraft almost,to "see"each other socially,with a view to exclude "seeing" other people,and devoting a lot of time exclusively to the emotional and physical needs of that other person,altruistically.
This can be a rewarding and wonderful thing.
Or it can lead to sadness and life-changing emotional damage.
You almost take your life and someone elses life in your hands.
How many people have believed themselves to have "found the one",only to find out the other person in no way thinks YOU are "the one"?They maybe "liked you",thought you were cute,or charming,but love you?No way.Why do people treat other people like that?
It seems 50% of the world are people out looking for love and commitment,and the other 50% are out looking for "fun",a "good time"....The trick is finding someone in the same 50% as you.
Elisbch · M
Good luck 🙂...
you're guy sounds just like most women I've had relationships with.
I've found it more peaceful and fulfilling not to pursue love interests anymore.
CloudAngel80 · 41-45, F
@Elisbch im starting to agree!
Letting life to be enjoyed, maybe someday my prince charming will come and not be a moron in duct tape and tin foil..lol
Elisbch · M

will come and not be a moron in duct tape and tin foil..lol

omg... for your sake i hope not. That's a visual I hope you never see!..LOL 😄

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