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CommandLine · 56-60, M
My office at work and at home are a mess, just cannot be bothered to tidy them yet. I have the occasional thought of tidying, but when I look at it, I think, what's the point doesn't help when I have things from my parents place that I couldn't let go.
I will get there one day when I feel better, but this last bout has been with me for three years and not getting much better.
I will get there one day when I feel better, but this last bout has been with me for three years and not getting much better.
4meAndyou · F
@CommandLine Best tip to declutter I have ever heard: photograph and digitize all of the clutter. Then get rid of it. If you find you miss something, and need to see it again, you can look at the photograph!
CommandLine · 56-60, M
@4meAndyou thanks for that, not sure it's a working solution though. Some things need to go admitidly, I need the right frame of mind to make those decisions though or even the right kind lol
HypnoChode · 46-50, M
It’s important to talk about these issues. Break the stigma. 👍🏻
You are inspiring me as usual 😊
eMortal · M
In societies where all that matters is being a winner or a loser it feels even tougher.
I wonder why this is affecting so many age groups?
I wonder why this is affecting so many age groups?
There’s always better times ahead! Keep pushing for yourself