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I am actually very upset but i am pretending to be normal

Had a heated argument with my sister who keeps giving unsolicited advice over something completely harmless. For the longest time earlier she told me what not to post on Facebook or that i should not post this or that. The posts I'm referring to were nothing but quotes that i used to make for my Facebook page where there are over 6000+ followers.

It annoyed me so much that i quit FB and Instagram. So today like a fool i shared this grain effect selfie with her and she started passing remarks that it looks fake and what not and all this before my 10 year old niece who went on laughing. For god's sake it was just a stupid grain effect.

When i told her what she did was wrong especially before a kid she denied doing anything wrong and with her she just doesn't stop arguing and even when i told her to not drag it she continued to argue and that pissed me more.

Yet again like always I apologised because i said "Why the Fck you keep doing this" and she doesn't like the F word. But to which i said that she may not like the F word being used in a sentence but that doesn't mean she doesn't hurt me with her simple usage of words.

But like always she thinks she never did anything wrong. It's useless explaining to people who have this delusion that the world wrongs them and they are the saints.

I do love her but some things are totally unacceptable to me. Every relationship should know where to draw a line. Not everything is allowed. Not everything is a joke because under the pretext of a joke you are not allowed to mock someone.
Poppies · 61-69, F
I think you should keep Facebook if you enjoy it, and don't let your sister be a Facebook friend. Or, let her be an official friend, but set your privacy so that she doesn't see things. Same with any other social media accounts. Just don't share things with her, period. If she wants to know why, tell her. Explain that this works for you.
@Poppies I somehow lost interest in Facebook but ya you are right i should restrict my Instagram account from her. What i don't understand is why she has to invade in my space so much. I don't comment on her stuff then why she has to always be so domineering?
Always tough when sibblings deliberately invade you space like this. My sister in law is also a mean person, always taking down my wife.
@Thewhazzupdude I can't figure why people don't mind their business and manage their lives first. What's the need to be constantly so authoritative and dominating?
iamelijah · 26-30, M
Add your family in facebook is always backfired. My family always interefere my personal life in there. Therefore, I closed it for good.

Every time we argue, I just gonna drop it. It's worthless arguing with your family because they always win.

Of course deep down, my heart boiled listening the words they said.
smiler2012 · 56-60
by closing accounts your sister has won again . maybe she is looking out for you but this goes a bit beyond that with your sister . she needs to butt out stop interfering in youbusiness and start to mind her own[angel777]
@smiler2012 I would understand for posts that she's looking out for me but how is it her business if i give some effects to my picture? As you rightly said, she shouldn't invade so much in my life but she just can't stop giving her unwanted opinions.

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