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Anyone else feel the same?

I don’t like it when people sugarcoat things. I’d rather have the brutal truth or your brutal honesty regardless of how messed up it is. Realities don’t care about anyone’s feelings. And no It doesn’t mean one can’t be positive. I remember back in grade school my friend told me “Your breath smells like straight up @$$hole”. I remember how much that stung my self esteem but man oh man did I start taking better care of my oral hygiene after that. If it wasn’t for him pointing that out then I might’ve continued neglecting my oral hygiene for much longer.
minxy · 46-50, F
I feel exactly the same. It really does stick with you and help when a person tells you such things.

I would much rather be told that I am doing a task badly so I'll work on doing it better. If they tell me I am doing well, I won't work to do it better, I'll think it's what would be acceptable.
I get your point.

But being honest doesn't earn you respect, love, appreciation or points.

It earns you hate and violence .

So many say they want honesty. Many say they respect it .

But most don't.
NoobGains · 18-21, M
Honesty is the best policy. Whether it will hurt someone's feelings or not, I wish not to be the one who beats around the bush.
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@fatsojoe ] true honesty is the best policy obviously so is slight tact

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