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Do teens these days have it harder than the previous generation?

I was talking to an 18 yr old, and he was telling me teens these days have it a lot harder and go through more things than teens from my generation, I am 31. He was telling me they go through anxiety, depression, cyber bullying and other things. I told him my generation went through all those things as well. I am sorry, but I feel these days people are a lot more sensitive, things that people wouldn't get offended by in my days people are easily offended by today. Honestly I feel teens today do go through many things. However I feel they have way more opportunities than my generation had. Most things are giving to them, while my generation had to really work everything.

What I mean by that is, when it comes to school, sports, work and other things, they have so many programs and opportunities that we could only dream of. I feel if I had these opportunities and resources when I was young, I would be in a much better place. I told him the game is still the same, there's just new players.
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Nomad7 · 26-30, M
I'm a teenager and I don't agree with this. When you abuse the Internet, it damages you like anything else will. Teens these days are a lot more sensitive, a lot more shallow and compare themselves to others a lot more than what you probably did. It's not their fault, but it's a problem they have to deal with

What they do have is access to a whole lot more opportunities than the generations before them ever did. Cyber bullying is an issue, but that's why social media websites come with the flag, report and block options. If someone bullies you, you need to do whatever it takes to stop it from happening. Stand up to them, or get help from your parents, teachers, peers.

Teens these days are soft, entitled and complain a lot more
relative to the problems they face. They need to cut the crap and get down to business
Magenta · F
@Nomad7 This! Best comment.
Nomad7 · 26-30, M
@skip2mylou Tbh, if I ever have kids, I want to teach them all the stuff I learnt the hard way. Being a teenager is hard because you're not young enough to act like a kid, but not old enough for people to treat you like an adult. You're impressionable and as you rightly said, you want to fit in and be liked, by the others your age and the gender you're attracted to. Well, so does everyone else your age. So, they're as afraid of things as you are. But you need to get the basics right and start controlling your own life, or someone else will do it for you
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@Nomad7 Well Said. 👍👍
Today there is cyber bullying in my day you got pushed up against a wall and punched. Things are just the same only done in a different way. In my teens there was no benefits like today. You worked or you had nothing. No sick pay you worked or had nothing. No computers and game boys we went outside and played. Kids dont know what hardship is
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@GermanAf cyber bullying is worst, not physical bullying. When I was younger you couldn't where certain colors or clothes in certain places. Or it would end up very bad.
@skip2mylou You are missing my point. I am talking from my age group. There was no computers or lap tops TV was only black and white with BBC 1 BBC 2. And the way i see it are you not a cyber bully now as we are on a computer and you are putting me down for my comments.
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@nevergiveup I am not putting you down for your comments. I simply didn't understand the point your were trying to make. Thank you for clarifying.
Teen years have always been a challenge.. For many people...
But I think that internet, makes them less free, specially if are always focused on social media, ... Like maybe in the past we were free of that, in the end Internet for some adds pressure and stress.. Specially if they aren't what others want them to be... Or makes them more lonely.. Ofc it's easier for them to find people with the same interests. Like society is more open now.

It's mostly how they deal with the stress, anxiety and depression that's different..
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@SW-User Well said
Driver2 · M
@SW-User your correct and all the bad things that happens now , most of it happened then. It was covered up and hidden.
According to research they are more prone to mental ilness indeed. When you were a teenager technology hadn't developed to the point where it was a nessecity to every day connecting nor did the circumstances made it that. There is a lot more pressure from outside influences at the same time,especially for females. They are also more sensitive to societal issues ie enviromental/political,because the decline in both affects their day to day quality of life and everyones really. See for example the current pandemic. Even teenagers of today have a much harder time than teenagers of my generation had and I am only 23. I truly feel for them and we need to start listening ,and I mean truly listening,to our children if we ever want to see some positive change rather than trying to compete in experiences.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@skip2mylou Don't forget that thankfully the pathogen also seems to be quite forgiving for younger generations. Thankfully, because even with older people being the worst hit, boomers are probably the ones who don't give a f*ck the most about it. Imagine if they were even the ones that were being spared...
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@Elessar Very true, during this pandemic boomers were the hardest hit. Mainly because the younger generation felt like since their immune system can fight it off, they can live their life recklessly. The thing that hurt the most is people would live carelessly and never get it, while others would live safely and still get it.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@skip2mylou What I meant is that, at least in my region, it's boomers the one who falls for the craziest conspiracy and have been living their lives the most recklessly throughout the year. And that with them being the hardest hit, imagine if it was otherwise.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
In my review of social history, every generation tends to have a self-absorbed view of itself... "no one had it harder," "kids today have it easy," "older people can't understand," etc.

The thing is, each generation is influenced by the times they live through and those are different, but human nature basically stays the same. You feel displaced because you didn't have access to all the resources available today and people growing up today feel those resources either aren't enough or are too much and cause insurmountable stress.

Tbh, it's hard to believe you didn't have access to sports programs or technology that was current and available in "your day." Obviously, you wouldn't have had a smart phone and possibly a bike helmet, but think of the generation before you and what they had to "suffer" without.

I'm actually getting sick and tired of this self-absorbed orientation you express from every generation. Focus on what you did have and what you do have and always rejoice instead of finding ways to be so comparative with others.
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@MarkPaul Thank you, I understand what you are saying. I am not trying to compare generations per say. Its just that I often hear teens from this generation complain about how their life is so hard. I agree that they have it rough. But they have so many resources and opportunities that my generation never had. We had sports programs when I was younger, but today there is such an abundance of them. More teams, programs, scholarships etc... that many of these teens don't take advantage of. When it comes to technology they have many platforms such as instagram and tiktok that they can show case their skills and talents that will reach a large audience. I am pretty talented at football (soccer) I often show my skills and training videos on instagram. I get many semi-pro and pro coaches asking me if I would like to try out, however I am too old. I tell young teens they should try and do the same because they have that exposure.
Internet and smartphones make everything easier.
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@quitwhendone They really do
Ingwe · F
I think kids are more fragile these days
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@Ingwe agreed
Every generation has its own set of problems, but it’s simply idiotic and vain to claim that this generation has it the hardest, and my brother is fifteen so it’s safe to say my conclusion is not biased. With the internet we have more opportunities than ever, and unlike the extremely rigid class systems of the past, any ambitious schoolgoer with an internet connection, irrespective of their background can change the finances and future of their entire family in no time. If a teenager chooses to spend their time on TikTok over Khan academy, they shouldn’t blame the world for their own stupidity.
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@SW-User Agreed, very true. Making money online and opportunities to make money are a lot easier now than before.
Adstar · 56-60, M
Well i am close to my 55 birthday and when i was a teen i went through near constant bullying at school and bouts of severe depression..

So i can say without hesitation that my teen years from 1978 to 1984 where some of the darkest days of my life and i am glad i made it through them alive..
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@Adstar Exactly, we went through all types of bullying as well.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I am sure they have it harder right now during the pandemic than I ever had in my teenage years. I can't imagine that feeling of uncertainty.
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@skip2mylou I think it's hard to make as crucial decisions as which university to pick. Many probably wanted to go to foreign universities but how are they going to do entrance exams? Will they be able to enroll at all? I definitely would be worried about such things. Online studying doesn't seem very enjoyable as well, they are missing on a lot, in my opinion. I mean yeah, the life goes on. My cousin enrolled at foreign university this year and even regularly travels home but if you compare the situation with pre-pandemic time, how much stressful must it all be now...Every travel is a risk, new students can't get to know each other, they have to wear a mask all the time...It sounds like hell.
Driver2 · M
I think so , but it’s not like your a teen in world war ll Europe

But much more messed up is so many ways than other generations.
I respect the fact my generation let thing get so out of whack and now it’s a real mess
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@Driver2 Its a mess today, but teens have more resources and places to go to for their problems. Like community centers, after school programs etc... And they have an abundance of it. Whilst when I was younger we only had a few.
Driver2 · M
@skip2mylou correct
Gangstress · 41-45, F
They have more places to get bullied. At school, at college ,social media sites.
People have changed a lot since I was a young.
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@Gangstress I feel it depends on your experiences. When I was young, kids where ruthless.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@skip2mylou im brown. So yes I've had my fair share of shit. Kids I feel are more ruthless now.
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@Gangstress I would disagree with that, I am from Africa and got brutally bullied by kids from all races when I was younger. Especially black kids. I feel kids these days have a more knowledge and better outlook about the world and people around them.
Elessar · 26-30, M
I don't think there's a significant difference in the frequency of those nasty things, just that teens these days are more open about it. Back in the days I was in lower education, the approach was "keep it to yourself and swallow the pill", especially for males.
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@Elessar That's true
Magenta · F
No, I disagree.
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@Magenta Why do you disagree?
Magenta · F
@Nomad7 outlined my thoughts on it very well.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Mentally yes.
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@Zonuss I feel thats debatable
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@skip2mylou Explain. Because most of today's youth is as fragile as a newborn babe. 🙂
skip2mylou · 31-35, M
@Zonuss I agree in that they are more fragile mentally than previous generations. Because they take everything to heart and can not take criticism.
Awwww they're getting cyber bullied? We used to get real asses beat and bullied when we was younger. Kids these days are spoiled and don't even realize it. You know how hard it was for us to make mix tapes back in the day??? Listening to the radio with the record button paused waiting for the song you like to come on because you couldn't go to YouTube to listen to it? 😂 Get the fuck outta here with that they had it harder than us shit lol.
skip2mylou · 31-35, M

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