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I wear my mask pretty much 24/7 so I can mutter obscenities behind it on demand
latinbutterfly · F
@SW-User Hahaha 😂
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
@SW-User 🤔...yep, I lipped FU to my boss under my mask and she didn't even notice...It was a nice moment of the day for me. lol
Yes!! 😂@Jimmy2016
Yep. It's not asking much from me, so I have no problem doing it.
Byron8by7 · M
I do not venture out much, and I wear a mask when I do go out. I live alone, except when I have my three children with me on weekends.
Piper · 61-69, F
I've been wearing a mask when going in public places, for several months now. I've been staying at home more than usual, I'd say.
Yup. What if I happened to ever become an asymptomatic carrier? I wouldn't want to infect anyone.
I wear mask and do my best to keep me distant from others as much as possible...
SubstantialKick · 36-40, M
My family wears masks when we go out but that is pretty much it.
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
I’m an essential worker in an area where masks are mandated. If I didn’t wear one, I would be fired and arrested lol.
Dude, I've been wearing a mask my whole life.'re not a dude. It sounded better with dude on the front.
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@SW-User I don't do it at home either
I social distanced all my life.
Noble · 56-60, M
Yes, I take this seriously by controlling my environment, but I don’t go overboard.
No, masks are the mark of the beast and no one wears them for other flu bugs.
@latinbutterfly it's not Kool aid. I just look at real sources and don't trust doctors who get this stuff wrong.
The doctors in that video trump shared were spot on tho.
The doctors in that video trump shared were spot on tho.
latinbutterfly · F
@Stargazer89 Okay, well I'll tell you what...if anything is the mark of the beast, it's anything offered by Donald Trump. I don't trust that man one bit.
@latinbutterfly vote Trump 2020