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Whats it all about then!

I believe that when we are born, we pop out the womb, at one with God and the Universe. We pop out and then the programming starts, the midwife parents next, family friends of family. Child minders, teachers every member of society. We are molded and programmed as we grow.
So that wonderful perfect child, is, over the years, wrapped in a form that hides the perfect being. So, we end up being like an onion, the center covered in layers of skin. Eventually, we lose the connection and become almost a clone.
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indyjoe · 56-60, M
It's like I have always believed...Children (we) don't LOSE our innocence, it is taken from us. Good post.
TheVegon · 61-69, M
@indyjoe Thank you!
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@TheVegon I also believe the good and hopeful part is that part of us is still there and we can tap into it again (to some extent anyway), all we have to do is learn to UNlearn a lot of what we have been told and taught.
TheVegon · 61-69, M
@indyjoe I believe I have tapped into it, i am relearning. it is have the trust and belief. like any new learning. one baby step at a time!
Peaches · F
...until we die and learn WHY. ⭐️
TheVegon · 61-69, M
@Peaches I feel that I can learn before I die!😀
Peaches · F
@TheVegon True. ⭐️
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M

Six feet m*thafrucrr!

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