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How worried are you about the Corona Virus?

Poll - Total Votes: 26
not worried
somewhat worried
very worried
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I am some what worried about the virus. I am hoping for the best but expecting the worse. I am being cautious while trying not to panic. To be honest I am more worried about my older family members because their immune system is not as strong as mine. As statistics show, it's mostly the elderly and people with pre existing conditions that are being critically hit by the virus. I live in NYC where almost 100 cases has been confirmed. To be honest I think those numbers are unfortunately a lot higher due to lack of testing.
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I just sneezed. I want 2 weeks off work
@SW-User I know your joking but I hope people don't use the virus to skip work!
@RadiantRuby Can imagine some would
@RadiantRuby @RadiantRuby But, I also did just sneeze 🤣
butterfly1013 · 26-30, F
I wasn't worried at first because I don't get out much. I am a little paranoid, but the only thing I can do is pray about it and just wait and see what happens. I am afraid to go to the doctor to be honest. You never think it'll be you and then they say it. I am preparing myself for the worse just in case. In these types of situations I go into it trying to be too hopeful because it hurts less when after you are let down if you suspected it to begin with. I don't hear much about it really. My cousin who is in the Army and has been for years since I was a kid, he visited us recently and he and my dad (my dad being his uncle) he told us that he thinks this disease was created to scare people. I don't know how true that is, but it makes sense. It is similar to some disease years ago that you don't hear about anymore. Who knows.... I haven't done much research and not sure what the symptoms are exactly because I don't want to fall victim. The more you think about it and look up all this stuff the more paranoid you become. Soon, just having a cough will make you think you're dying. If I get sick enough though I know to get up and go to the doctor.
I'm worried about my Mom she is in her mid 70,'s with heart issues and is prone to getting pneumonia
Perry4444 · 56-60, M
Worried about the economical effect's. But nothing worries me more than no loo roll. My good God that's biblical
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I'm more worried about my oldest and youngest kids. One is asthmatic, the other prone to lung and bronchial issues since birth. Both work with the public.
Giacomo · 36-40, M
Somewhat. At the beginning I was just bored of it but now the situation is becoming more serious, so I'm afraid for some old peoples. I don't want them to get the virus.
I'm more worried about my parents getting it, since this virus seems to affect people who are in their age range.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Very worried
luv2fish · 70-79, M
Almost every year there is a major health scare. In two months this will be only a fainting memory.

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