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What are your thoughts on the Coronavirus?

Personally I am a bit worried because of how fast it's spreading. I feel like the numbers may be a lot higher than what the media is telling us. Living in NYC makes it worst, due to amount of people living here. I take the Train and Bus daily to and from work. I try my best not to touch the Handles, Bars etc...
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
I suspect the numbers are much higher in China, but at least so far the US seems to have a pretty good handle on it. The real danger is that the spread of the virus overwhelms China's ability to control it. Then if that happens and it mutates to be even more virulent, we could have a repeat of the 1918 Flu on our hands.
xixgun · M
I think this is a man made virus, and it will backfire and ruin China's economy even further as both people AND goods will be kept out of other countries.

The spread is almost always higher than what the media reports.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Stereoguy Saw a show on The Doctors where they were talking about the bedbug epidemic. Said that linens of all types being shipped from Southeast Asia can have bedbugs in them even if they are enclosed in zippered plastic bags. The factories have them & they crawl over the linens and get folded inside the bag & can survive up to a year or more being warehoused & shipped in cargo containers. They said department stores are having a problem trying to eradicate them too.
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peskyone · F
I have been watching Ben Kavanagh, the Irish teacher quarantined in Wuhan, on YouTube. I think there is a lot to learn from how a city of 11 milion is handling this. We should all take note and be prepared.
We’ve been told that cases have been found in the Bay Area and people have been flown in to be treated at San Francisco hospitals. I'm wearing my masks and gloves on the Muni and BART.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
Same down here in OC. It’s a little scary working with the public right now. @bijouxbroussard
peskyone · F
That's very smart of you. Be safe.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Eat some raw garlic every day.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@greenmountaingal Coconut oil fatty acids that can break down the outer hard shell of HIV virus and penetrate it and dissolve it (Caprylic Acid). You can also buy it as supplements at health food stores. Should work on Coronavirus too, it has parts of the HIV virus embedded in it.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
I’m doing my part to keep it in check! I quit drinking Corona beer as soon as I heard about it 😋
eMortal · M
That it should have been calling Nankin virus.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
F the Coronavirus. The flu is exponentially more deadly.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Stereoguy I have a friend from Thailand and she told me over a decade ago about how Myanmar was handling those they suspected of having AIDS...they rounded them up & took them & had them tested for HIV & if they were tested positive they were immediately executed.
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MethDozer · M
If it gets me it gets me. I ain't a doctor nor work for the CDC. Me worrying or spending much thought on it doesn't amount to diddly-squat.
@MethDozer This. Exactly this.

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