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Clovisman · 41-45, M
Would be the Circadian clock or rhythm. Every living thing has this natural internal clock that regulates hormones, sleep, digestion, metabolism, and basically every thing else. And we can sometimes disrupt this rhythm and completely throw our bodies out of synch. Night shift workers suffer the worst cases of it and when “we” try and get back “normal” on our days off it just disrupts the rhythm even more. Not sure the mans name but he did a study on this a couple years ago and won Nobel Peace Prize in Science for his studies. Very interesting and worth reading about if interested in understanding how us humans are supposed to function! And as i said before, its all living creatures, plants, organisms, etc that have this natural rhythm. @Dianna
BeefySenpie · M
I've been wondering about this too after the last two nights 😑
Soramarie · 26-30, F
Try sleep coach videos on YouTube see if it helps
Clovisman · 41-45, M
I work 12 hr graveyard shits and have the most abnormal sleep patterns imaginable. I often sleep for a couple days straight or cant sleep for couple days and then im just exhausted! But it really screws up everything and hopes of having a normal life. ive been doing this almost ten yrs straight and it hasnt gotten any easier on me! So i feel your pain and struggles
Clovisman · 41-45, M
You are correct! They can be so i rarely take one and usually break in half if i do! Ive heard crazy stories about ppl getting up and doing things in their sleep after taking those meds and some even driving while still asleep. Guess the mind is off but body is still functioning. But ive never experienced anything like that. Usually just keep me asleep all day or night and not up and down like i normally am @Hayleylocks
Hayleylocks · 26-30, F
@Clovisman I've heard crazy stories too lol It's scary as fuck
Clovisman · 41-45, M
Yes! I was very reluctant to try them but nothing else helped me. im very cautious with them of course @Hayleylocks
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
You a libra?
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Hayleylocks I thought it was a libra thing. I do have the same issue. After a couple days I sleep better because I’ve not slept in couple days.
Hayleylocks · 26-30, F
@MrBrownstone I sleep, but just during the day lol
Sleeping at night is never going’s to work for me lol
Sleeping at night is never going’s to work for me lol
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Hayleylocks Try working second shift. I slept the best ever in my life.
astrosandorbits · 26-30, M
Story of my life...

Take Melatonin.
Mmiker · 46-50, M
Why not talk this over with your doctor instead of SW?
Hayleylocks · 26-30, F
@Mmiker I have spoke to him about it and I don’t take any tablets cause of reasons so it’s a difficult one

That sucks... I know
Lots on your mind?
Lots on your mind?
Hayleylocks · 26-30, F
@SW-User Yeah find it hard to get tired at night and so easy during the day

@Hayleylocks i definitely understand