NCCindy · 36-40, F
I go there on business about once a month (Silicon Valley).
I can't wait to leave.
I can't wait to leave.
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
@NCCindy oh gawsh the most corrupted city
Kathburglar · F
Always will have a soft spot for San Francisco, where I was born. I don’t ever see myself moving back though.
xixgun · M
The land area is fine, the people on it and the buildings could go.
redredred · M
not any more
4meAndyou · F
As a state? Without any people in it? I adore it. Beautiful place.
As a group of people? People are all so different. There are a lot of great people there.
But I will say that California is, apparently, home to many, many people who smoked pot at a very early age, thus permanently damaging the development of their brains.
And then they go out and vote...and they vote for someone who is also not capable of thinking properly.
And then you end up with mismanaged cities, filth, disease, and out of control drugs and drug use.
As a group of people? People are all so different. There are a lot of great people there.
But I will say that California is, apparently, home to many, many people who smoked pot at a very early age, thus permanently damaging the development of their brains.
And then they go out and vote...and they vote for someone who is also not capable of thinking properly.
And then you end up with mismanaged cities, filth, disease, and out of control drugs and drug use.
samanthasmokes · 36-40, F
I think California has some amazing geography from it's forests and lakes to it's coastline. I've only been living here in Southern California for 6 months. I see an amazing diversity of people most whom I've met have been kind and friendly.
I have yet to meet the characters you write about ... no one approaching me with bloodshot eyes, saliva bubbling out of their mouth and breaking down in homicidal rages and trying to rape me. No one running down streets smashing car windows with baseball bats. No towns crumbling in decay with Zombie criminals chewing the heads off children and old people too slow to run away.
In the area I'm in it is clear that the Evil Trinity, Newsom, Feinstein and Harris are not popular. You hear 'em talk while grocery shopping in their golf and tennis outfits about the rise in country club fees topping 100 grand and complain acidly about "those liberals" who clearly are not Saved by Jesus, belong to a Satanic cult, smoke weed and pop meth daily, and consult astrology charts on how to govern.
I am emphatically not saying you are wrong but I am saying I'm having a different experience from your portrait.
I think California has some amazing geography from it's forests and lakes to it's coastline. I've only been living here in Southern California for 6 months. I see an amazing diversity of people most whom I've met have been kind and friendly.
I have yet to meet the characters you write about ... no one approaching me with bloodshot eyes, saliva bubbling out of their mouth and breaking down in homicidal rages and trying to rape me. No one running down streets smashing car windows with baseball bats. No towns crumbling in decay with Zombie criminals chewing the heads off children and old people too slow to run away.
In the area I'm in it is clear that the Evil Trinity, Newsom, Feinstein and Harris are not popular. You hear 'em talk while grocery shopping in their golf and tennis outfits about the rise in country club fees topping 100 grand and complain acidly about "those liberals" who clearly are not Saved by Jesus, belong to a Satanic cult, smoke weed and pop meth daily, and consult astrology charts on how to govern.
I am emphatically not saying you are wrong but I am saying I'm having a different experience from your portrait.
4meAndyou · F
@samanthasmokes I am not speaking of slavering maniacs or zombie criminals. I am speaking of normal everyday people who are just a lot more stupid than they really should be because of deficient brain development.
meh... in most ways, no.
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Temporallube · M
Did you ask the Universe?
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I live in it, so yeah.

They are some nice areas
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
I prefer pizza
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
A Big Fat F No
bijouxbroussard · F
I love California. It’s my home state, though, so I’m certain I’m biased. ☺️

The area in which I live in is so damn beautiful. There's a ton of tourists, especially French and British ones. Which always trips me up, why come here? Instead of like Spain? its way closer and u wont get shot there lmao
bijouxbroussard · F
@SW-User There are several British expats where I am. Not so many shootings, though.

@bijouxbroussard i swear, their kids sound like pepper pig
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
Its. It terrible. Love the weather and the diversity and of course food. But all the rules. Ugh
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MethDozer · M
Northern Cali was okay for a bit. It's too ridiculous to live there for me though.