what grinds your gears?

people who bring babies into the cinema, concert or anything of that nature and teh baby cries the whole time.
People who eat with their mouths open and chew on it like they are eating bark
People who block driveways in a shared driveway
people who call your halloween costume "slutty' when it totally wasn't
people who say you are too old to dress up at halloween
People who constantly ask "do you think your tattoo's will look good when you are old?"
people who eat Mustard
People who created Mustard
People who think Pantera and Slayer are actually good
People who wont leave Britney alone
People who support Antifa
People who stare over the fence of front yard and give you those judgy eyes
People who think a broken nail is the end of the world
people who dont like my animal onsies
People who say video games are bad for you
what grinds your gears?