Well there are some things.. I'd really appreciate it if anyone can tell me answers to why this grinds my gears too. It'd be good for me to improve.
1. When little kids are screaming out of nowhere just because they want attention. I love kids, don't get me wrong, but I can't stand that high pitched noise they make. Feels like a chainsaw is grinding on the side of my ears. Some neighbors I have do it in such a horrible way, they will scream a bit, then they start screaming louder and louder until you think they're gonna rip their lungs out. It's like they're deliberately trying to get me pissed off to have a good laugh. Also, when people talk too loudly. Or when dogs bark. It's just the loud sound that gets on my nerves... loud noises overall.
2. When people walk in front of me and are either too slow, slouching around left and right, changing the direction and not allowing me to just walk straight. I feel like they're deliberately trying to pose as an obstacle for me not to have freedom to just walk and enjoy watching the surroundings.
3. When people don't let me cross the zebra and then curse at me for not letting them drive first. Some also tried to run me over and even cursed after that. I felt like getting a baseball bat and crushing their skulls after that. It really aggravates me.
4. When people talk to the cashier in a supermarket, trying to justify themselves for cutting in line or when they argue over the change or any mistakes done in the receipt for the products purchased. Especially if those people are old, because where I live, old people think they can get away with just about anything since they are very privileged.
Too long didn't read version:
- High pitched noises or loud noises
- People who don't know how to walk properly
- People who don't know how to drive properly
- People who cut in line in markets