People who block 4 lanes of traffic to let someone make an illegal left turn.
Pedestrians who saunter out in front of a car as if being hit wouldn't instantly maim or kill them.
People who think "Olive Garden" is a genuine Italian restaurant.
People who regurgitate obvious propaganda and pretend they came up with it on their own.
People who insist on narrating what is going on. We all have eyes and ears, we don't need you to tell us what happened, master of the obvious.
People who believe the same old action, sci-fi and superhero movies being remade with women and POC in the hero roles are original, new or saying something profound about the world we live in.
The fact that I am aware of the existence of Taylor Swift or Alexandria whatever-whatever. Neither of these people hold any interest to me, yet somehow I am aware of what is going on with them all the time.
Silly girls who think Pantera and Slayer were meant for them. Stick with Baby Metal if you find those bands too aggressive or scary. 😉
@SumKindaMunster baby metal? is that the asian shit that sounds like a cat screeching to a toddler banging on xylophone? (then again, that's pretty much all asian "music" in general)
1.) I hate people that aren’t kind 2.) I hate people that are arrogant 3.) I hate people that are rude 4.) I hate people that are bullies 5.) I hate people that are prejudiced 6.) I hate people that are unfair 7.) I hate people that are evil 8.) I hate people that can’t apologize
@JustGoneNow What do you define as evil? I'm asking from an objective viewpoint, because I wanna figure out how it works. Some people say we perceive evil things subjectively.
people who think the garbage they play on the radio these days is actually music...
people who call anyone who disagrees with them a nazi or racist...
people who think life actually works like it does in movies and "reality" tv shows...
people who think they're intelligent & knowledgeable when they rely on their smartphone for everything...
people who have the incessant compulsion to post every detail of their lives all over social media, (then complain about stalkers, identity theft, etc.)...
people who are too lazy and/or incompetent to move their finger two fucking inches to use their turn signal...
foreigners who accuse the US of not minding our own business while we simultaneously give them billions in aid, food, military defense, etc.
people who idolize celebrities, singers, athletes, etc. to the point of absurdity (like dressing up like clowns and painting their faces while shouting at the TV...)
people who can't even determine their own gender thinking they possess any credibility whatsoever...
vegans who don't realize that 90% of the products they use on a daily basis are animal byproducts...
environmentalists that think we can adapt the climate/nature to suit us; rather than vice versa...
Pretentiousness Cliche's The exaggerated use of emojis People that think they know you, that don't Over positivism that borders on delusion People who think it's always everyone else at fault, never them. Slow drivers and tailgaters
people that pick on the weak Gossip gossip gossip Anyone that doesn’t think green and purple are the best colors ever. People that say they will see “Alita” some day because we can’t discuss it 😳
@PlumBerries I was!! Lol Bring on those bad characters but I also had to make room for Alita! That girl was QUICK and exploding all over the place. And when she was hanging 5 miles high above Iron City, I was feeling it!
Well there are some things.. I'd really appreciate it if anyone can tell me answers to why this grinds my gears too. It'd be good for me to improve.
1. When little kids are screaming out of nowhere just because they want attention. I love kids, don't get me wrong, but I can't stand that high pitched noise they make. Feels like a chainsaw is grinding on the side of my ears. Some neighbors I have do it in such a horrible way, they will scream a bit, then they start screaming louder and louder until you think they're gonna rip their lungs out. It's like they're deliberately trying to get me pissed off to have a good laugh. Also, when people talk too loudly. Or when dogs bark. It's just the loud sound that gets on my nerves... loud noises overall.
2. When people walk in front of me and are either too slow, slouching around left and right, changing the direction and not allowing me to just walk straight. I feel like they're deliberately trying to pose as an obstacle for me not to have freedom to just walk and enjoy watching the surroundings.
3. When people don't let me cross the zebra and then curse at me for not letting them drive first. Some also tried to run me over and even cursed after that. I felt like getting a baseball bat and crushing their skulls after that. It really aggravates me.
4. When people talk to the cashier in a supermarket, trying to justify themselves for cutting in line or when they argue over the change or any mistakes done in the receipt for the products purchased. Especially if those people are old, because where I live, old people think they can get away with just about anything since they are very privileged.
Too long didn't read version: - High pitched noises or loud noises - People who don't know how to walk properly - People who don't know how to drive properly - People who cut in line in markets
Negative whiners that constantly talk about themselves.
People with children who dont think any other fucker has responsibilities and then prioritise their lives ahead of yours. People who stare expressionless People who dont tell the truth (body language is a dead give away) People who cant fucking drive
@Gangstress Lying used to get on my nerves too. But then again I used to lie myself, so I can understand why people would need to do that. But if it's lying on the matter of trying to win an argument by cheating, then I get very mad. If it's to insult my intellect then that's especially why I'd get mad.
When someone sweeps up the floors then leaves the dust bunnies in a pile in the floor.😒 [media=] God, I'm tired, can't type/text to save my life. And autocorrect sucks.😒
motorcycles that ride the yellow line (especially in a curve) really irk me...
like "bitch, if you can't keep your 2ft wide bike inside an 8+ft wide lane and think I'm gonna yield to you or swerve to miss you... you're either gonna eat ditch line or bumper..."