Yo lady it takes two to tango, it's not all you, or him/her meant to be a team
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MarHar99 · 22-25, F
@Jogadnbyt It's such a bug bear when everyone says "Just try talking" like that hasn't been an option? He looses patience when I try and talk, I lose patience when I try and talk. I think it's because I have no one else to talk to. I moved away for a better life and I have 0 friends apart from his family.
@MarHar99 ah right I see, just making a point, not being rude, I think couples ,in a perfect world should be two independent lives coming together, you can't live his life, as much as he can't live yours, and the old saying is true, familiarity breeds contempt. Hope you two can sort it and live happy
MarHar99 · 22-25, F
I'm definitely not living his life at all. We have our own lives, I was offered to live with his family for better work oppotunities, which was successful. I have no one else to talk to as I struggle to make friends, we aren't around each other a lot any how. I feel like it's difficult to explain when my head isn't clear. We are happy I'm just sensitive, emotional and have low self esteem.
soulsrespite · F
What makes you feel that way, something your partner does, or it’s just really you?
soulsrespite · F
Can you get a therapist? @MarHar99
MarHar99 · 22-25, F
I have spoken about it with a colleague but I have been with a therapist since I was nine and I didn't think it was working as she left her job and I had to get someone else, I didn't like the fact she left me and I had to see someone new. I don't want to speak to anyone else.
soulsrespite · F
Then you will keep feeling the same way.. always letting it out little by little to your boyfriend, and never getting what it is you seek from him. Just talk with him. Maybe you can work something out. @MarHar99
ExperienceDLT · M
Why do you feel that way? Does your significant other make you feel that way?
MarHar99 · 22-25, F
@ExperienceDLT I feel like I was just having a really bad day, I'm okay now. To answer your question he does nothing but love me and make me feel special :)
ExperienceDLT · M
@MarHar99 good that is the way you should make each other feel
jaymic64 · M
Do you love him?
xixgun · M
It's not a job. You support him, he supports you. Trust me - you're doing enough.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
You can talk to me if you need someone.