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If you could give up a body part (leg, arm, etc.) to permanently get rid of your mental illnesses, would you?

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if I had a mental illness, ill give up my 4th toe
No arm or leg? 👀@Dewms
@SW-User no ;__;
I’m glad you have no such worries. @Dewms
Probably not an arm or a leg. Toe or finger, likely
How about a hand or foot?@lulaluboo
@SW-User LMBO... provided you're in the state to decide.
Yeah. 😂@Vivaci
@SW-User 🤣
@silentkillx2 but your brain is more important than your pinky 😁
@RadiantRuby nah then id be worried that i look like a freak and have anxiety over that
Straylight · 31-35, F
Nah, I'm good.
You sure? One time offer.@Straylight
Straylight · 31-35, F
@SW-User The voices have been pretty quiet lately anyway.
@Straylight good. 😌
No I have enough to deal with let alone having to put up with a missing limb.
@SW-User yup this 😂
@lulaluboo don't wanna give up too much 😁
@SW-User hell nope
In a heartbeat
No such thing in me
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I have my heart ,mind and body to Christ ,He gave me back the ability to walk and a sound mind again ,,,believe it or not
@rckt148 so prayer works?
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@RadiantRuby Totally repenting and surrendering to God works
He healed me of a life time of addictions instantly
Gave me back the ability to walk
Gave me back my kids I had not seen in 12 yrs
Gave me full custody of them ,,
I won a disability case I had fought for years ,
He healed my kid that was crippled for over 4 yrs
I could go on ,but either He does ,or I am the luckiest guy alive
@rckt148 May god continue to bless you my friend, I can't believe some people don't have faith. I know miracles happen. What a beautiful testimony.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
does my belly button count? If not, one of my toes would be just fine
Yes, of course. I would give my arm or a leg.☺
HasselJack · 41-45, M
My palatine tonsils
Ryanoliver2011 · 31-35, M
Does a toe count lol?
Nope. That sounds like a mental illness.

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