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BlueMuse · F
To be are basing your whole argument off of a continent that has terrible infrastructure, corruption with its governing bodies, a white genocide (that is blanketed by the media) numerous problems with the treatment of women and children and so on...yet you are protesting for the fish, ocean and sea-life in general?... just checking as I'm a tad confused about you "question"...
@BlueMuse I understand your confusion!

That point about 'Africa' is simply my view-point about the damage that rich people are causing to the continent!

The continent has been robbed by evil folks from USA and Europe!

Now, China has its eyes on the continent!

There is no doubt about that!

Doomflower · 36-40, M
I too have a desire to avoid killing sea life. However humans as a species only care about the environment in so far as it supports our ability to live on earth.

I frankly believe that humanity is what needs to go. We need to voluntarily become extinct through non breeding. We might do some damage but once we are gone earth will heal.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Doomflower wow, your name is very accurate. Humans can be the great enabler of the globe. We have to learn the lesson not to give a shit about the planet we inhabit, not to care about our environment is psychopathic hence the indoctrination.
I sound like a broken record but it's all to do with this hideous economic system. We have the technology to.move to 100% renewable energy......that's not enough but it's a huge start.
Also, the tale we tell ourselves or is sold to us, that we can control and subvert nature to our whim needs to be called out as complete fallacy.
This is very reductive but the damage we are doing is becoming visceral and I believe this will be the glue for a global new deal
Let's separate the source of the problem ... urban convenience

Half the US does an excellent job fully consuming waste material.

It is the cities that dump everything.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Apparently it's more important that a few people live lives of comfort and pleasure.
@hunkalove Yes!

This has caused the mayhem!
Industrial waste??? There's who knows how many tons of nuclear waste down there, too...
@HootyTheNightOwl I could not agree further!
Simple answer is yes, I do think we should take initiative to stop it.
@midnightrose 🖐🙂
People's greedy selfishness and indifference is the problem..
Longpatrol · 31-35, M

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