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StormSurge · 41-45, M
Yes I have, you have to truly feel for the person because you go through it with them

Magenta · F
Idk, I tend to think many times conditions are exaggerated and labeled for the sake of treatment and prescribed meds. It ostracizes people and makes them feel abnormal. When in reality, it could just be normal human emotions, hormones, etc...

Science and medicine is a bit fickle as they are always skewing their diagnoses.
Magenta · F
@PoetryNEmotion Mmhm. And I acknowledge there are for sure (some) actual true conditions that need support and nurturing. But we shouldn't be labeling ourselves and others into boxes. We are fluid humans. So magnificent but yes fragile too.

This indeed.
Numerous maladies could be improved greatly with effort, time, patience, and self-care. Focusing on working. Hobbies that are simple like gardening, walking, volunteering. Helping others less fortunate makes one think less on one's own problems.

Thank you dahling. May yours shine. 🌞🏵
@Magenta You are one of the rare ones here that I call darling too. Mine shines mostly. That light goes into all corners. My heart always sings more loud when I feel you here, sweet M. Blessings to you. :)
Magenta · F
@PoetryNEmotion 😊💕 Thank you, this helped in trying to find my mojo again! ;-)
When young, I lived with a bipolar man for 30 months. He was wonderful during his normal periods, exhausting work looking after him when catatonically depressed, and terrifying when manic. I barely survived his three attempts to murder me when he was at the peak of his mania. He ended up being caught by the police and committed by the judge to an asylum.

There is only one sure way to diagnose the condition and that is by blood test.
This shows abnormalities in naturally occurring lithium levels.
Diagnosis is not always straightforward. It may start with guessing based on symptoms, history and family genetics.
But the condition can be complicated if other conditions are simultaneously present.
bowman81 · M
I honestly don't know how to identify one.....Bipolar seems to be one of those terms used to make excuses for aberrant behavior. If ones behavior was unacceptable to me I wouldn't date them, no matter their excuse.
Magenta · F
@bowman81 💕
ButterFly2023 · 18-21, M
Yes. Best fun you've ever had, then they'll disappear for a bit.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
I have before. Prolly the best relationship I've ever had. Granted, with the exception of walking in on her bleeding out on the bathroom floor after slicing her wrist into a 1 inch wide gash, with a broken lightbulb.....

Mmmm, yeah. I might not wanna do that again. I'm naturally drawn to women who are mentally unstable, for some reason. Though, as I age, more and more I prefer well balanced women.

To answer the question, maybe. As to how to identify one, crazy is crazy, and it'll show itself eventually.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
It runs in my family and I've had enough stress to last me a lifetime, so I'm saying no....
we're like you, only more creative and funnier
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
For that reason alone? No. I wouldn't rule out that as a reason though. But, I am trying to advance down a specific path and wouldn't want to be re-routed either. So, they would need to be "spiritually appropriate," I guess you could say.
HerKing · 61-69, M
Dated? I used to be married to someone with it...Enough said?
StokedFox · 36-40, F
Sure. I'm crazy too.
popmol · 22-25, M
Bipolar? Isn't that suddenly happy and suddenly sad or manic? If its that i've something similar
If you can't identify one then what are you worried about?
BlueRain · F
Only if the person took meds.
elVato · 46-50, M
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
If they're functional

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