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What Will You Do If You Found Out The World Was Going To End In Less Than 10 Days?

Just asking...
GeistInTheMachine31-35, M
Probably do a lot of drugs, before blowing my brains out.
GeistInTheMachine31-35, M
@reflectingmonkey That begs the question: Does it matter if you experience the end of the world, if you won't be around to remember it?

Also, wouldn't the end of the world mean a prolonged and painful death for you personally? It's either that, or you'd die quickly and violently.

Why stick around for that?
reflectingmonkey51-55, M
@GeistInTheMachine just for the trill of the moment, this whole life, when its over, I probably will not get to remember it, we're just here for the ride, its ok if you wouldn't want to stick around till then end of the world and I'm not trying to say you should be like me, but I sure would be curious to see how it ends and I would ride it till the end. intensity is not what I fear most, mediocrity is what I fear most. when I eating jello and soup in some home with nothing exciting to look forward to, that's when I'm taking the early exit, but the end of the world? bring it on!!
GeistInTheMachine31-35, M
reflectingmonkey51-55, M
@revenant yes, although I presently do not consume drugs anymore if it was the end of the world drugs would surely be part of my celebration of the end.
@reflectingmonkey I would be scared shit alright and I do not do drugs either
Tell everyone gods a cunt
@Slink I think I did once, matt le blancs in it? He'll always be joey to me tho!!
Slink26-30, F
No. Lol. Joey isn't in it.
It's Martin Freeman.
@Slink lost in space! I'm mixed up, your quite right indeed!
Wraithorn51-55, M
Spend some quality time with family and smoke lots of weed.
Look for the perfect spot to capture it in a picture 馃檪
I'd ask for my money back!
monte370-79, M
Spend time with my wife,kids and grandkids and drink the best wine we could find
I go to chicago to try that pizza
monte370-79, M
[@don鈥檛 bother it is overrated 馃槉
@monte3 well, thanks for the info.馃槄
LyricsKeepMeBreathing31-35, M
Probably finish printing all the things I'd want to make.
Spend time with my loved ones.
probably protect my self from dumdfucks
@Lilnonames you spelt dumb wrong BTW, 馃槀
@Jogadnbyt oh well.but it didnt stop u from understanding now did it?
@Lilnonames no I just love the irony of it, thank you,x 馃槀

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