SW-User Best Comment
usually a combination of confidence, passion, and intelligence. kindness and whether or not they seem like a genuine person matters too.
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@SW-User I’m not worried, I’m awesome. I don’t even need to try.

@SW-User *be dum tsssss*
That was pretty good. :p
That was pretty good. :p

@SW-User of course.
It looks like my love of cheese is all I have going for me here lol
SailorMarz · F
@AcidBurn it looks like you're wrong
@SailorMarz if I'm wrong, I'm not smart. So it's my cheese and old age... even better
SailorMarz · F
@AcidBurn tell that to my heart
It's the way they make me look forward to living
SailorMarz · F
I like smart girls who are older than me
Personality or style but it cant be just one or it wont last

Voice, persona, and how they carry themselves.
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
The amount of cheese they add to their food
SailorMarz · F
Your pfp is distracting
Straylight · 31-35, F
@SailorMarz It's very distracting. I don't even remember the qyeation.
SailorMarz · F
@Straylight Maybe i should answer her question
Straylight · 31-35, F
@SailorMarz I can't. The pic and the name together are too much for me.
EugenieLaBorgia · F
Qualities in the voice and hands, essentially.

Sense of humour and smile

Looks and personality
MellyMel22 · F
Personality.. If their personality is bad, there’s no way I’d be attracted to them..
Bad judgement of character
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Big booty cheeks