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How does one gain more confidence?

It's something I struggle with 馃様
Davidarendale036-40, M Best Comment
Experience. You have to try and fail multiple times before you succeed. The totality of your attempts both failures and successes are experience. If failure produces such strong negative emotions in you that you can't bring yourself to try again then find a guru or a counselor Or a sensei. Someone who will keep pushing you to continue trying when you can't bring yourself to try anymore.

Stop caring about what other people think. They don't matter
@Marielaveau that is true
VolpeTredici31-35, M
Achieving goals, both big and small.
Picklebobble256-60, M
Best way to do it is to do things that you feel improve you !

Could be anything !
You choose !

If you find that difficult, here's what i do.

When the alarm goes off, get up ! - It's a sign of intent !
Make your bed. ! - If all else fails and you have the sh*tt*est day. At least when you come home, your bed is made ! - And YOU made it !
When you hit the shower and get dressed, shave well and style your hair ! - Even if it means nothing to you, Other people notice this stuff ! - It makes them think you have confidence in you !
Eat breakfast ! Sounds simple. But you'll feel better just for having eaten before your day starts !
Polish your shoes ! Odd as it sounds the number of comments i get about that aspect of my appearance is ......odd ! But again, it shows intent !

Little things like these make a difference.
Misanthropy works
melloquacious36-40, M
Develop and value your strengths in a few areas so you can have a solid core of self-worth to fall back on when you fail with something else.
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I think the first step is finding a hobby or skill they can be proud of and shine in. Finding something they can find self validation in as opposed to external validation is important.

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