True happiness comes form within, not outwardly. If you depend on another, nature, seasons, circumstances, fixtures and forces, for happiness you will live a life of misery.
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
Happiness is something which comes from inside...anyone can't buy it from market or can't just get it from other...
It's our own feeling which makes us happy in several moments of life..
Sometimes situations get worst too in life but one must stay positive and smiling with he can fight back those situations and create his best happy moment as reward 😊
It's our own feeling which makes us happy in several moments of life..
Sometimes situations get worst too in life but one must stay positive and smiling with he can fight back those situations and create his best happy moment as reward 😊
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walabby · M
Happiness is a choice, it is not imposed from without...
Tukudo · 41-45, M
YOU are the source for everything! Outside is just reflection of inner space that how you perceive.
Khenpal1 · M
it is a concept , there is always some amount of suffering
Sicarium · 46-50, M
You are the source of your own happiness. Nobody else, nothing else.

Happiness starts within us. Start loving yourself
check · 61-69, M
Most likely find it in the bottom of a half gallon of Jack Daniels