i'm working on not hating myself so ferociously
foxontherun · 31-35, F
@SW-User [media=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4xHrxgFNnN8]
IrishPat · M
It’s kind of good if it was in business I guess
foxontherun · 31-35, F
IrishPat · M
@foxontherun well there you go! Wouldn’t want to get put through to you. God knows what I’d sign up for
ColonelFlytrap · 70-79, M
I'm working on saying "no."
foxontherun · 31-35, F
ColonelFlytrap · 70-79, M
@foxontherun if we met, i bet the meaning would spring to mind. And the French word is "non", pronouced "no".
Eh I’m working on a lot of things. That picture though😂

wetncthru · F
Flaw? What flaw?!
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
That face looks familiar some children's television show, a train?
I need to eat healthier
I need to eat healthier
foxontherun · 31-35, F
plaguewatcher · M
Okay first thing is why do I recognize that creepy crazy face in the picture is it from some TV show from a long time ago
the thing I am trying to change about me is to recognize that I have lots more to give than just the value of my work
man in particular have this problem unless you're being powerfully productive you're not worth a damn
the thing I am trying to change about me is to recognize that I have lots more to give than just the value of my work
man in particular have this problem unless you're being powerfully productive you're not worth a damn
plaguewatcher · M
Okay where's the face from? is it an angry Thomas the Tank Engine ? Is it a close up from the tiny little bugs on that Twilight Zone episode? it's driving me crazy! know else drives me crazy? Predictive text makes me sound like an idiot.