Turn plain paper into money 🤑
rosedragonslayer · 18-21, F
And that would help how? Let’s say you make a million dollars, you can’t put it in the bank because they will want to know where you got that from. @SW-User
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
@SW-User This👍
Pineapple · 100+, F
ability to teleport wherever i want whenever i want
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
Flying, invincibility, and teleportation would be nice. And world peace✌️😍
muffinman · 61-69, M
@TheLoveAge amen to world peace.
rosedragonslayer · 18-21, F
The ability to make a portal in two places and use them to skip the space in between
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
rosedragonslayer · 18-21, F
Would be cool but dangerous as you can get stuck in a wall or die depending on how it works.@Deletedlol
Deletedlol · 22-25, F
@rosedragonslayer You can't start putting logic into something that doesn't exist.
rosedragonslayer · 18-21, F
Yeah you can, a lot of fantasy and sci-fi books and games do it@Deletedlol
muffinman · 61-69, M
"remote viewing" … and i propose we all have this inate ability … just never acknowledged … so it stagnates.
Rusham · M
I will be satisfied with electric power because I can already mind read. 😉
Spoiledbrat · F
You've been reading too much fantasy fiction. 😬