walabby · M
It's interesting, expensive hobby, requiring a lot of patience waiting for the end of the world...
twiigss · M
I understand the sentiment behind it but just live life and enjoy every minute that you can. Worrying about some doomsday event is pointless in my opinion.
If a severe storm is coming your way, okay try to plan ahead for that, but come on, underground bunker with 10 years of food and supplies, these people don't realize those things DO expire and have to be replaced regularly.
Buying an underground bunker and having it stocked with supplies in 2005, guess what? If those supplies expire after 10 years well we're way past that, time to restock for another 10 years! Pointless.
If a severe storm is coming your way, okay try to plan ahead for that, but come on, underground bunker with 10 years of food and supplies, these people don't realize those things DO expire and have to be replaced regularly.
Buying an underground bunker and having it stocked with supplies in 2005, guess what? If those supplies expire after 10 years well we're way past that, time to restock for another 10 years! Pointless.
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twiigss · M
@DareToSayIT I think they would stay under for sure. If they were really smart about it, the bunker would be below the garage floor, not outside where most of them put them. The other thing is, look at how tight and small those bunkers are. You're telling me 3 or 4 people are gonna stay in there 95% of the time?? I don't think so. It's so unrealistic. No beds, where does everyone sleep? They didn't even think of that.
The only thing these preppers think about is, oh boy, I got myself 10 years of food and batteries and supplies!! 40 years later all that stuff has already expired and they don't even know it. I'd love to see them do a test run of getting into their bunkers and then realizing, "well shoot, we really don't have the space in this thing, but at least I got supplies" and then looking over and seeing all the expiration dates lmao.
And.... imagine you are a family, husband, wife with 3 kids aged, 2, 4 and 8 and an infant. Good luck is all I have to say. I mean really, like how do you get formula for the baby? Diapers? Wet wipes? Even if you did stock up on those things, eventually they'll run out. And then what do they do? These preppers think they're ahead of the game, but they didn't think of any of this stuff.
The only thing these preppers think about is, oh boy, I got myself 10 years of food and batteries and supplies!! 40 years later all that stuff has already expired and they don't even know it. I'd love to see them do a test run of getting into their bunkers and then realizing, "well shoot, we really don't have the space in this thing, but at least I got supplies" and then looking over and seeing all the expiration dates lmao.
And.... imagine you are a family, husband, wife with 3 kids aged, 2, 4 and 8 and an infant. Good luck is all I have to say. I mean really, like how do you get formula for the baby? Diapers? Wet wipes? Even if you did stock up on those things, eventually they'll run out. And then what do they do? These preppers think they're ahead of the game, but they didn't think of any of this stuff.
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@twiigss Also let’s not forget the sewage and garbage disposal. If the bunker doesn’t have toilets that can flush into the main sewage(which is most probably blocked or flooded due to the catastrophe, I can see the pressure of fluid flooding the bunker. The designs of these things are not very well thought through unless it’s some guy like the dad from “blast from the past”, but hard to imagine any of the peepers to be that smart.
twiigss · M
@DareToSayIT Oh absolutely!! Yeah the whole thing is just not well thought out at all. All they see is, I have stuff for 10 years. Like, okay but what about all the other things you would need to worry about? <crickets>
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
I know a couple, mostly conspiracy theory whackos. Mormons do it a lot as well. Being self sufficient and prepared for an emergency isn’t the worst idea though. Here in FL I prep for hurricane season every year.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
They could come in handy one day 😳
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@Matt85 yes, they can.
Colonelmustardseed · 36-40
I think they’re kind of cool. I don’t know any personally, though, and I don’t watch the show. I’ve checked out some articles on a prepping site, and got some interesting info. Nice of them to give helpful advice.
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@Colonelmustardseed yeah, probably some portion of humanity would rely on them if we hit a global catastrophe.
Colonelmustardseed · 36-40
@DareToSayIT I think most of them who aren’t extreme (who end up on those shows) don’t let anyone know that they’re prepping. 😬 They don’t want hysterical people coming for their supplies or shelter.
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
To an extent. I homestead. I try to have roughly a year's food canned at all times
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@DareToSayIT absolutely
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@chickiegirl95 you are a good soul.
chickiegirl95 · 26-30, F
@DareToSayIT thank you
gol979 · 41-45, M
Fair play to them.......and people that have extra stocks/self sufficient should only let their nearest and dearest know. Wont be long until they are on some kind of list (again).
Felina · F
Trapped in their own fear ⛓️
Iwillwait · M
They are being wise.
I think that it gives them a sense of control over things which they cannot control. It's most likely based in anxiety, born of the fear of being vulnerable. They're pretty harmless over all, as long as they're not trying to overthrow governments or kill people.
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@UBotMate oh yes, preppers are ok, the violent nuts are not.
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
They're not bad people lol
meJess · F
Being prepared makes sense, depends what lengths you go to really.
BohemianBabe · M
I know someone who does, but I think it's dumb. Taking precautions to deal with climate change is good, but I ain't buying an underground bunker.
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DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@Beautyinbroken yes, too much work and you literally stop living worrying about something that may never happen.