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If we hit the new ice age tomorrow, how long would you be able to survive?

There will no power, everything would freeze including the ocean surface, but life underneath it lives, all the modern stuff you enjoy would cease to exist without power including heating.

How do you think you’d make it through. Let’s say it’s a short ice age for 10 years (hypothetical) but a very severe one.
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Matt85 · 36-40, M
I have a friend who has survivalist books
I would talk to him, live long time :)
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@Matt85 he may have to burn a few books if that happens.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Well let's think about that.

At the high of 120°f during the middle of a summer day and the low at around 40°f during the middle of a winter's night and dropping it by 30°f for an ice age.

That would be just about what it was like when I lived in the mountains without heat! 🤷🏻‍♂️
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@DeWayfarer already did “everything would freeze including the ocean surface” all the scenarios are described in the description.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@DareToSayIT I don't always have the time to read the comments!

Sorry! 🤷🏻‍♂️
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@DeWayfarer “description” it’s also in the description, but anyway. It’s all good.
No ice age, however severe, would ever freeze the oceans. The sun would have to be extinguished for that to happen, then we will all have problems.
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@SW-User Sorry, I should have worded it properly. By freeze I mean the surface. A thick layer of ice like the arctic. Underneath the life lives.
@DareToSayIT I get it :)
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@SW-User deep under the earth’s surface it would be warmer, but not sure how many underground structures are built keeping in mind that kinda situation.
LilPrincess · 46-50, F
Oh about 10 to 20 minutes tops😒
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@LilPrincess gasoline and a match stick would do.
LilPrincess · 46-50, F
@DareToSayIT 🤔 wish I would have had that advice camping.
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@LilPrincess camping is fun, they gave some great fire pits in places but some brats like to start a fire everywhere else
robb65 · 56-60, M
My heat would work just fine, at least for a few months. There's also a few months worth of food here. After that? IDK, but hopefully I would have a little time to try to figure something out.
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@robb65 That’s pretty cool.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@DareToSayIT The last wood I got was from a neighbor I didn't even know. He had trees down and partially cut up he needed out of his yard. Someone told him to call me.
twiigss · M
@DareToSayIT at our house if we lose electric, our gas stove still works to cook food
Likely wouldn't.
StyleCat · M
S'all right. I've got a scarf
I'm good with most things elemental... so I could forage, light a fire, if I had to make a blanket from what's available in the wild I could, but I definitely have no bunker, and I would only make it so long.... I'm fine with that at my age.
NotMy1stRodeo · 56-60, M
I'm well armed, plenty of ammo and can hunt/fish, etc. I own manual tools like axes, saws and such and know how to use them to cut stuff to burn for heat.

I'm making it all the way through .. or at least a lot longer than most.
twiigss · M
Probably not long as our extremities would freeze. So unless you have heated gloves, heated socks, heated clothes, humans will perish from something like this.
exchrist · 31-35
exchrist · 31-35
Id move underground
Umile · 41-45, F
I'd probably die of starvation in about six days.

But, If I could have access to some kind of ....
Shadyglow · F
not trying at all, my friend Lava.

Almost time to quit anyway.
Maybe you could get up and drink some kava
and share with us a brand new day
Samek · 36-40, M
I'd say about 70% chance. Thank diety I grew up a Yooper.
We eat the vegans first 🖖🏻

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