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You ever wonder if ancient poets

could'a maybe been rappers and just couldn't record the beats they used? 🤔
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DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Not far from the truth. In the oral tradition, performers would basically chant the words, often accompanied by some sort of droning instrument. The performer would make up stuff on the spot, but also use standard, sort of stock phrases, but all mixed up based on what the crowd expected and how it responded, all to a certain beat and rhythm. They didn't just memorize a block of text and repeat it every time. It was more like jazz in some ways, rap in others.
@DunningKruger the origins of freestyle!
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Punxi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Singer_of_Tales
@DunningKruger Perhaps this is my cue to interject:

The Iliad and the Odyssey were not composed by Homer -
it was another blind bard of the same name!
11knaves11 · 46-50, M
This is why we need time travel....Moses might of been dropping the heat🔥🔥🔥on them commandments 🤘🏽🤘🏽😬🤣
Very possible. My father (who wouldn’t appreciate being called "ancient" but here we are 😄) has often said that modern rappers have nothing on the "beat poets" he used to go to hear in the 1950s. And even my generation had The Last Poets and Gil Scott-Heron.
Punxi · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard So cool!! Your dad rocks. Some assumed perhaps my question was in jest...but not only possible, but quite plausible.
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TexChik · F
I think they would have had the rappers drawn and quartered
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
"Savage folly in your mind will not be dwelled upon" Homer
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Punxi · 26-30, F
@LvChris That's what I'm saying. My passion in developmental psychology centers on our adaptation to time itself. We are people. Always. It's time that changes.
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Punxi · 26-30, F
@LvChris I agree. Culture, location, time zone matters not. Tech advances....time ticks ...we simply adapt.

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