You work it out in therapy. Tell someone who will listen. Also time can heal. Talking about and acceptance is what helps. “This happened to me but it is not who I am and I am allowing myself to feel what I need to feel but I am still going to live my life and make the best of it”
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
@tiltawhirl good advice, thankyou.
AngelUnforgiven · 51-55, F
You have to leave the past in the past. And just move forward. Thats what i did. I lost a brother, both parents, a sister, and 2 children. If i dwelled on their deaths i would not be fully there for my 2 surviving children. I dodged bullets as a kid, i saw people murdered with my own eyes. I left that life behind the minute i became an adult and never looked back. I decided that i wanted my life to be better.
meggie · F
Give yourself little things to look forward to. Get out of the house and do things. It really does help to change your everyday set routine.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Look forward, not back. Find love. She’ll cure all your scars if you don’t burden her with them.
Gingerbreadspice · F
Probably will always be at the back your mind. You can step forward to unhard your future 😂.
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
You don't. You just get through it the best you can.
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