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Being ghosted

Even online it hurts. You create that friendship, you let someone in to your life. You talk you bond things are good then all of a sudden they just disappear.
I would rather be told sorry I'm not feeling this anymore than for someone just to dip out.
Am I stupid for feeling this way i don't know maybe. But I'm human and it still stings.
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Mysti · 51-55, F
Sadly, words on a screen can be very powerful. But it’s important to remember that the longer someone stays anonymous, the less you can trust them. They are basically living out a fantasy of their own without the ability to follow thru with their words. They are likely not who they present themselves to be. Best way to avoid is to confirm who they are within a month of chat. This means moving to personal text msgs. And video chat is a must. If they avoid both of these option, they are not who they claim to be. Keep in mind, excuses are the equivalent of lies.
ColorMeRoz · 31-35, F
@Mysti wise words.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Mysti I disagree that they are always not who they claim to be. If I'd avoid personal msgs and a video call it simply means that I don't trust them enough to let them close to me or that I am not interested in a closer relationship. It wouldn't mean that I lied about who I was up to that point.
ColorMeRoz · 31-35, F
@CrazyMusicLover this is even more true. It takes me awhile before I'm ready to move a relationship off of an anonymous site to a more intimate conversation. And that's talking just a friendship even. I won't take a friendship off here until I can trust them or I think I can
ColorMeRoz · 31-35, F
I love how people feel the need to be rude and insulting to someone who just needed to vent because they were having a bad day!
If you can't be nice you have no place commenting here!
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
Its not stupid to feel this way, Ma'am.
I feel it often.
Its one thing not to get answers on my first messages due to the warning on my profile, I may understand that.
But its worse to convince people to chat with me though, explaining to them my warning, chatting with them for a while, and suddenly they stop answering without a reason, which is visible for me. As if I suddenly have gotten online leprosy or something. 😞

How can people be so cruel and read how I beg for a simple answer up to a dozen times, sometimes over years, instead just answering: "Go away, I don't want to chat with you anymore, because [reason]". Or just block me, that's okay too. Is that so difficult?
Steffanie · 56-60, T
I have experienced this so many times.
You get close to knowing the person then they disappear! The account closes or they just don’t log in anymore.
Maybe it’s me and I get to attached to people on here. Maybe I shouldn’t think of people as friends on here?

It is difficult
IloveJ · M
I know exactly how you feel😥
@IloveJ Because I left myself on "Seen" 5 hours ago, right??? 🤨🤨🤨
IloveJ · M
@HootyTheNightOwl go hunting mice 🫣
@IloveJ I'm not hungry after I stole your dinner, though... 🤤🤤🤤
in10RjFox · M
Anything hurts initially and after a while we mature and master the art. I have lost count of the numerous bonding and ghosting or fading online. Just like hardware and software, in the past it was hard marriages and now it's all soft.

So be confident that a better person is coming your way and that destiny gave you the experience to handle the person with care.
The worst ones are the ones that happen when you are sleeping.

You wake up and they're just gone. You have no idea why.

It's roughest when it's the friends that I am closest to... though I am slowly working on accepting that they will be back.
ColorMeRoz · 31-35, F
@HootyTheNightOwl awe hunny I'm so sorry
I've had my fair share of this since EP.

There are 4 that we ended up drifting apart.

They all played there special part in my journey.

Theres one in particular.. i was very young.. i let my jealousy take over and i ruined something beautiful.

One of my few regrets in life.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Not cool to just disappear. Friendships can run their course and you can sense when things aren't as they used to be but disappearing with no contact whatsoever overnight isn't nice. But who knows, maybe the person has some mental issues, paranoias or something like that. You just never really know who you are talking to online.
ColorMeRoz · 31-35, F
@CrazyMusicLover yeah so true. I've been trying to wait it out to see if they are ok as it was a little out of character for them. Doesn't sting any less tho
DarkXtecy · 41-45, M
Sometimes it just so happens that the individual get his or her account blocked. Maybe is something hey did on another post or someone got upset by them and they report them. The said individual dont get time to let others know.....
I am just says its a possibility.
Justferfuun33 · 41-45, M
Sorry you were out through this. It can be complicated to maintain a profile here sometimes. It's possible their real life required them to make a quick exit.
It is hurtful, even online. You’re not stupid at all, you’re human. That’s actually one of the reasons I shy away from PMs which I didn’t back in the day. Not up to dealing with the connection that can come of it and the disappointment that oftentimes follows. I’d rather keep it light and keep it moving out here.
ColorMeRoz · 31-35, F
@OlderSometimesWiser yeah sometimes I am really cold until I get to know you
Holden · 26-30, M
I've been ghosted by plenty of women, even women I wasn't dating and was friends with. I gave up a long time ago because I'm tired of being constantly disappointed.
Husher ·
They know that because they're human.
Different · 31-35, M
I tell ppl im gone before i just dip or ghost
ColorMeRoz · 31-35, F
@Different you have a beautiful mind set
Different · 31-35, M
@MissyChrissy its the right thing to do not in the business of hurting people & if someone did something wrong its good to tell.them the reason why because not telling them will forever enable them to keep doing ehat theyre doing because they feel its right.
Different · 31-35, M
@ColorMeRoz lol ty wish others thought the same haha
Samek · 36-40, M
-hugs- thank you for sharing.
Redbeard · 56-60, M
Unfortunately there are people who are here that get their thrills of stringing people along, telling them what they want to hear just to disappear for good.
Ontheroad · M
I'm sorry you had to experience that. No matter what anyone says, it stings, and depending upon the depth of the frienship, it can really hurt.

Short of death, there is no excuse for ghosting someone who befriends you.
ColorMeRoz · 31-35, F
@Ontheroad it does sting. It also has part of me hoping the person is ok
. What I don't like is the people on here who comment just to be nasty and rude b
the rude and mean responses don't help on here either. Apparently one can't even be t anymore when having a bad day.
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Sterler45 · 36-40, M
Ghosting is a cruel and cowardly thing to do.
DViper97 · 51-55, M
Been there one too many times over the years. Not easy to find the right one to connect online and it does hurt when they leave. Hope it gets better!
i ghosted my last fwb… and i still feel bad about it.. but he was falling in love w me and his wife was starting to notice it..
ColorMeRoz · 31-35, F
@deathfairy that's a really tough spot to be in.
it was, i still miss them sometimes. they were both involved in the open relationship we were in.. but it just started to get a bit complicated. @ColorMeRoz
I'm not sure if I'm ghosting or ghosted with people I want in my life that never initiate anything. So I don't want them in my life bad enough to feel like I'm harassing them. They don't want me in their life enough to start a conversation
ColorMeRoz · 31-35, F
@Justafantasy it's hard to be in that position. This was weird tho we were talking one day all good then just gone. Stopped opening messages stopped responding. I don't know if I did something to upset them or what
@ColorMeRoz people got real life stuff going on. One day I will stop being on here and don't feel a need to explain
Unfortunately that's the norm online's best to not get too close to people online
ColorMeRoz · 31-35, F
@pripyatamusementpark yeah I try to but need friends and communication somewhere
@ColorMeRoz I understand that
pdockal · 56-60, M
Since it's the internet its kinda expected
Plus unless you do a video chat you have no idea who your talking to anyway
eMortal · M
I'm emotionally unavailable online and offline. I don't have this issue.
Tumbleweed · F
I have developed some strong feelings for someone here and in the back of my mind I'm telling myself they probably have several others they talk to just like that as well so I'm not that special after all, my point is that I haven't been ghosted but I'm sure it hurts just as bad. And no, you're not stupid for what you're feeling 🙂
496sbc · 36-40, M
Who ghosted u
ColorMeRoz · 31-35, F
@496sbc who doesn't matter
496sbc · 36-40, M
@ColorMeRoz well remember we're friends i wont i get busy but wont ever ghost u
1490wayb · 56-60, M
you have lot of great kinky groups here. hard believe anyone would drop you
TedBr · 41-45, M
No it’s not stupid, perfectly normal human feelings
Some people need a personality transfusion!
Ghosting is disrespectful.

I understand doing it to someone who has been rude, but to just drift out of a friendship is pretty rude.

Or maybe its just cowardice?

I try never to dwell on it . Sometimes we dont know the other side of the story. They may be having a shit time, or somethings changed.

Ir maybe they just didnt have the commitment for a friendship 🤷‍♀️
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
expect nothing. never be disappointed.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve been ghosted by people
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