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Don't hesitate to ask for help

For years I thought I could handle everything on my own when it came to my own problems. Delusional me.

I don't like asking for help. Feels I'm being annoying or burdening others with my stuff
@SW-User same
@SW-User I felt the same way but you have to ask for help when you really need it.
Carissimi · F
It depends who you ask.
I used to be shy to ask for help and that was my downfall
Hmmmm, im not entirely convinced .
I think it depends who you ask .

Ive asked for help only to be made to feel worse , punished or be fobbed off by ignorance .

Professionals are the worst. You need to fit thier ideal of what ever condition they think you have.
Which in reality , rarely happens. 🤷‍♀️

I do wish that more health professionals came from backgrounds of what they 'specialised' in.
Book learning isnt always the best in tjese situations.
Vin53 · M
A very limited offer. People have a fine line between someone reaching out for support and that same person becoming a depressing whiner.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Have you seen those new ads they're doing now, trying to encourage people to reach out? It's both funny and entirely too true. They show people who have been injured, who obviously need medical assistance, giving the same excuses people give for not seeking mental help
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I hate asking for help
Lilnonames · F
I can take care of mine

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