Happilymelancholic27 · 26-30, M
Being judged, embarrassed. Or not liked.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Embarrassing myself
1) Misjudging the mood or my position in a social setting - being too familiar, saying inappropriate things, fearing I might appear as flirting when I am in fact not
2) Being too emotional for apparently no good reason, tearing up from things that normally don't trigger such reaction in people and drawing attention of others who would stare wondering what's wrong with me
3) Just being generally socially awkward, not knowing what to do or say, just standing somewhere at the side unable to join others and others wondering what am I even doing there
4) Having an acute bout of inferiority complex triggering anxiety attack while being among people who in my eyes accomplished a lot while in the moment I am in my eyes nobody and deeply ashamed of my life and myself
5) Being perceived as stupid by being clumsy with basic stuff other people never had a problem with or learned at much younger age than I did, people rolling their eyes and telling me I should have known how to do this and that a long time ago and where I've been all that time.
1) Misjudging the mood or my position in a social setting - being too familiar, saying inappropriate things, fearing I might appear as flirting when I am in fact not
2) Being too emotional for apparently no good reason, tearing up from things that normally don't trigger such reaction in people and drawing attention of others who would stare wondering what's wrong with me
3) Just being generally socially awkward, not knowing what to do or say, just standing somewhere at the side unable to join others and others wondering what am I even doing there
4) Having an acute bout of inferiority complex triggering anxiety attack while being among people who in my eyes accomplished a lot while in the moment I am in my eyes nobody and deeply ashamed of my life and myself
5) Being perceived as stupid by being clumsy with basic stuff other people never had a problem with or learned at much younger age than I did, people rolling their eyes and telling me I should have known how to do this and that a long time ago and where I've been all that time.
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Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@CrazyMusicLover I never run away, I feel as others will perceive that as weak and make them more likely to target me
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Misanthropic Well, I know it would be far worse if I stayed. That way they don't even need to know why I left.
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@CrazyMusicLover If you mean you have walked away from those situations I have too in some cases. If someone looked down upon me in a social situation now I'd most likely walk away. The anxiety just doesn't come with it anymore maybe because my whole philosophy on life changed or maybe because I got used to it not sure. No person is worth more than another because they are more successful in my books.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
I usually dont. Im quite outgoing. But sometimes during a ptsd episode or something i feel like noone is who they say they are. People are pretending to mind their own business so they can watch me. I have to keep my head down and pretend i dont notice or they might surround me cause they think i know something i shouldnt know or they are trying to set me up.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
That someone will kill me. It sounds exaggerated but I have CPTSD and have recently discovered the reason to my sometimes sudden panic in public situations. And it is the fear of being killed. I don't trust people I've been through dark things that has led my brain and body to always be prepared for the absolute worst.
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@Queendragonfly That is quite extreme but I can relate in some situations.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@Misanthropic Yeah I'm not having a severe complex personality disorder to act or think normal 😅
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@Queendragonfly Normal is a fantasy that very few people get to live.
Cigarguy101 · 41-45, M
I have tourettes and i have load outbursts.
They can be very inappropriate most of the time. I have no control over them either. So you can imagine how hard it can be going out.
They can be very inappropriate most of the time. I have no control over them either. So you can imagine how hard it can be going out.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
being recognized from some Very Compromising images and vids from my MOST incautious days.
I have scrubbed and scrubbed them, most requests granted
but sometimes they still turn up
but I still cringe at the phrase. "say aren't you......"
I have scrubbed and scrubbed them, most requests granted
but sometimes they still turn up
but I still cringe at the phrase. "say aren't you......"
PoetryNEmotion · F
That I will have nothing to say. I hate awkward small talk. I am much better at social situations now than years ago. I am comfortable in small gatherings. Do not like large crowds except at concerts.

@PoetryNEmotion sooooo...... The weather is nice....
PoetryNEmotion · F
@SW-User I can chat small. Not now. I am busy. Thanks.
minxy · 46-50, F
It's not a single fear of something, it's an overwhelming, taking over whether you want it to or not type of fear.
Scarfface · 46-50, M
I don't fear anything just a feeling of panic comes over me and that makes me anxious, it's a strange thing.
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
Uncontrollably taking off all my clothes and sleepwalking around the party.
Jungleman · M
being embarrassed or someone giving me trouble and not knowing how to handle it.
Rose90 · 51-55
People making fun i suppose
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
They'll keep twisting that arm that's already sore.

People finding out that it was actually me that farted